Fresh Kombucha SCOBYs – 2 Kombucha SCOBY Cultures
Het the WORLD FAMOUS Kombucha Kamp SCOBY, often imitated but never duplicated, the best culture available and guaranteed to brew. Each KKamp Kombucha SCOBY is large, 6 inches across, and packed in very strong starter liquid, ready to brew on arrival. Accept no substitutes!
Over the years, our SCOBYs have evolved into hardy specimens with a unique profile of bacteria and yeast that not only protect against known pathogens, they also create the MOST DELICIOUS brew (especially if you use Hannah’s Special Tea Blend!). Since they are hardy, they will last a lifetime, provided you care for it properly – don’t worry, we give you instructions and all the support you need – whether its your first batch or your 1000th batch!
Our cultures are tested annually for quality control purposes. Discover for yourself why KOMBUCHA KAMP is THE trusted source not only for commercial producers but also over 20,000 of homebrewers just like you across the globe!
Each KKamp Kombucha SCOBY includes a generous, healthy culture (large, 6 inches across) packed in 8oz of strong starter liquid. We never skimp on size, we never compromise our process, we only ever sell our best babies from every crop. Cheaper brands exist yet none compare to an AUTHENTIC KOMBUCHA KAMP HEIRLOOM SCOBY.
Our KOMBUCHA KAMP SCOBY is GUARANTEED TO BREW – we lovingly coach you through the process – we know, it can be intimidating at first – so when you treat yourself to this premium product, you have peace of mind that it comes with premium support.
Here’s a peek at the main microbes ready to ferment tea into organic acids to provide your body with the nourishment it needs:
- Gluconacetobacter
- Bifidobacteria
- Lactic Acid bacteria (from natural selection – no probiotic pills or genetic engineering)
- Brettanomyces bruxellensis (aka Dekkera)
Sherry Marble (verified owner) –
I purchased SCOBYs from your company years ago and was very pleased. I recently started making kombucha again, experimenting with different flavors, purchasing SCOBYs from you again and am completely satisfied. I must say that I tried a “large” SCOBY from a cheaper company, and it was thin, broke apart, and took forever to ferment the first time. Need I say, lesson learned. I will never purchase SCOBYs from any other company again. This one is a 5 star, hands down. Also, Hannahs Special Tea Blend is awesome.
Julie Dockery (verified owner) –
Two beautiful SCOBYs and starter liquid. Fast shipment and they arrived in great condition. Will order from KK again!!
Sharon Thompson (verified owner) –
They arrived in the dead of winter, snowstorm and all, and they are alive and well! Great customer service and fast shipping too! Thank you!
Anne Kuiper-Thacker (verified owner) –
The SCOBYs are awesome and beautiful. Five Stars!
Linda Love (verified owner) –
I’m thrilled with my SCOBY and continuous brew setup! My first batch was a success, and each brew has been even better. The flavor improved with the second brew, and the stainless-steel vessel makes it so easy to manage. I’m having so much fun dialing in my brew times and can’t wait to start experimenting with second fermentation. Thank you for the thoughtful gift of tea leaves—it made the experience even better!
Marita Grace (verified owner) –
My mum and I have don’t a joint order years ago for Scoby’s. Our Scoby’s now are grown from that original KK order. Probably like 4 or so years ago minimum.
Our Scoby’s back then arrived in perfect condition which we expect again. We are excited.
Moroccan spice Kombucha is the best lol. Green tea, black tea, peppermint and spearmint. So good!!
Carolmartine Mason (verified owner) –
My scobys came packed well and worked great.
Sharon J. Everett (verified owner) –
I love making Kombucha and have made it for years since purchasing the Big Book of Kombucha. I started with KK Scobys and continue with this great process.
Mary Cantos (verified owner) –
I recieved my scoby in a timely manner….they are beautiful in a way only a scoby can be.
Deirdre Bise (verified owner) –
I have been brewing kombucha for over 12 years, on and off. When I find I need a new SCOBY after a few months off, I come to Kombucha Kamp. Their SCOBYs are fresh and ready to go. It never takes long to get back into the game. I don’t think I would shop anywhere else. The shipping is quick, the instructions are clear and easy to follow. It is easy to get your kombucha on in just a few weeks!
Shawna H –
I have purchased everything from the big book of kombucha to SCOBY kits, heaters, Hannah’s tea blends…repeat. I am a super fan of the personalized service she takes time to give. It’s hard to put a review on a single item. Everything comes fresh and in a timely manner. I recently ordered the milk kefir starter as well as the sourdough starter. Still experimenting with these.
Siegfried Ward (verified owner) –
I have used many different online sources for Kombucha starter, and yours in by far the best, HANDS DOWN! I’ve ordered from you before and had a wonderful “Kombucha Hotel” for years. Unfortunately, I lost my cultures due to some unforeseen circumstances beyond my control. So naturally, I turned to you once again, when I needed to replace these cultures. Thank you for making everything so easy, and for having the best cultures on the online market!
Charles Graham –
Your SCOBY’S are THE BEST!!! They make kombucha taste absolutely perfect… Every purchase I make from KK is fantastic and I especially love your flavor packs.. Thank you so much for all of the quality ingredients… You’re awesome 👍🏾😁
Charles G
Chicago, IL
Kirby Brown –
Like night and day. The difference between the scoby I bought from another dealer and the two I got from Kombucha Kamp. I’m new, so when my scoby showed up from brand x I didn’t realize it should be bigger than 1 1/2 inches 🤓. After a couple weeks, It brewed a weak and very sweet kombucha. Then I purchased scobys from Konbucha Kamp and received a large, healthy scoby that brewed a delicious batch in 8 days!
Monica Miller –
I bought two sets of SCOBYs. One when I was started with batch brew, and then later with my CB package. The KK SCOBYs are definitely extra large (at least 5-6 inches) and they are more than ¼ “ thick. The starter liquid is plenty strong and full of goodies to help your brew get started. KK is the place to go for only the best SCOBYs. Success is pretty much guaranteed!
Terri Gasparini –
Terri Gasparini (Buckeye, AZ)
I have always had great service. Products are high quality.
Happy with Scoby
Eric Fox –
Turned out great! Great, healthy scobys. The kombucha tastes delicious! Thank you!
Lori C. (Texas) –
I just ordered some scobys from you guys. I just want to say, wow they look great. I ordered a dehydrated scoby not too long ago. It took forever to ferment anything. And it got mold! I was very impressed with the scobys from kombucha kamp. I was glad you added starter tea as well! I’m so hopeful for these to work out. Thank you so much! Very impressed.
Sandy Watson –
So happy with my purchase! My first successful brew. The scobies were definitely healthy and worth every penny!
Amanda Merz –
Amanda Merz— Medford, OR
I would not buy from another source. The scobys always come with strong starter and they arrive quickly. It’s a great small business to support!
Rian C. (Houston) –
Our two new SCOBYs came within 2 days (over a weekend!), were very fresh and extremely well packaged. We’re on our second CB with these guys and both brews have been very flavorful. The new growth is thick and healthy. Very happy with this purchase.
Cynthia T. Hatchett –
The Scoby’s arrived in a very nice package with my Continuous Brew Kit. They have been doing a great job in my 2.5 gallon crock, fermenting like crazy! Very healthy, high quality Scoby’s. Would recommend to anyone.
LeAnne K (Utah) –
I love the bucha tea we buy it all the time for us at home and for the guys out on the crews…and also customer service is awesome. I usually get it pretty quick with in a day or 2. 5 star rating! Thanks for making great products.
Kathiann, U.P. MI –
I moved to the great white north last year. My scobys all became moldy because I of the cool temps. I have enjoyed learning to ferment with all the tips from kombucha kamp, so I felt comfortable ordering from you.
I love the two scoby I purchased from you. They were thick and healthy with a cup of starter tea. I will order from you again & recommend your site to others.
Chelsey Benkner –
My SCOBYs arrived healthy and HUGE! They have adjusted to the brew perfectly and are producing delicious kombucha.
Shira Small-Cangialosi –
I bought the 2 kombucha Scobys and started my continuous brew. My draw is awesome, and the new scoby growth is beautiful, thick and creamy white, soon to be ready for additional vessels for our brewing community.
Glenn Giese –
Bought the twin pack to get my continues brewing up and running again. Shipping was quick and the free sample tea was a nice surprise looking forward to tasting the results.
Karen Munro –
My scobie arrived in excellent condition and very thick and healthy. I am brewing lots of healthy batches of kombucha. The dried ginger I ordered is excellent quality and flavor. Very thankful for the Kombucha Kamp website too!
Eden Le Bouton –
I have 3 SCOBY’s. Two are in my brew and one is in a hotel. I filtered Komucha into a pouring vessel and found an itty-bitty Scoby growing. I put it in the hotel and it is growing!
Brian Ackley –
Yep! Great Scobys. They are big and did a super job of kicking off a great batch of booch. Wouldn’t hesitate to order again.
Jenna Kowalski –
The BEST scobys you could ever find!!! (Believe me, I did ALL the research!) Already on my 3rd CB and the kombucha tastes absolutely amazing. These scobys are high quality and the best you could buy. Save yourself the trouble of doing research, and just buy from Kombucha Kamp. Thank you, Hannah!!!!
April Ray –
I am SO pleased with my SCOBYs. They arrived quickly and were packaged and protected very well. Hannah even included instructions with them to walk me through getting my batch of kombucha going. The SCOBYs have been working great! Very happy! ~ April R (South Carolina)
Amanda Bush –
I’m happy to finally have found a replacement for my SCOBY that I lost a couple of years ago. I used baby SCOBY’s from friends but couldn’t quite get the same amazing kombucha I once had. THIS IS IT! I bought the two pack because I brew 1.5 gallon at a time and my first batch turned out amazing! Just like the ol’ days. I started my second batch the same day. I love the friendly website, instructions, and that the business is conducted with love and care. Thank you!
Debra Meek –
I’ve only known KKamp scobies and my 2.5 gal. CB made the biggest and thickest baby scoby from the two I bought. I agree with everybody else. These are the best and healthiest scobies I’ve ever used!! Thanks KKamp! ~Debra (Visalia, CA)
Lisa Kozma (Rhinelander, WI) –
I absolutely love these Scobys! My first experience with making my own kombucha was with a dehydrated scoby. The process was longer and I have to say the flavor of kombucha was very different. It was always flat and bland. These Scobys are HUGE! They come with the started liquid as well and I am so happy to say that the taste of my kombucha is so flavorful, I can drink it plain. Also, I can actually make my kombucha carbonated and the process is super simple. I always recommend new kombucha makers to purchase these Scobys. Super great buy and worth every penny!
M.D. Schmitt –
As one whom, consumes 1.5 / 2 Gallons of Kombucha… myself… every 18/20 days – making it, ones-self, IS… CHEEPER (Duha)
So, GOTTA TELL YA (((!!!))), when the "Mr." brought 3 cases of fresh peaches in to our home… I did not think for one iota, about my ‘booch’.
2 weeks later, when I went to decant/bottle my latest brew… O.M.G!!!!!!!! where is the BIG Booch Book????!!! Find the answers! Find the answers – NOW!
I had a TOTAL fruit fly Infestation… that is a scary sight – LET ME TELL-YA!
Oh well, after a (interior WHIMPER of defeat)moment… I called KKamp.
the answers and… the supplies… I needed were on their way!
KKamp not only filled my supply needs, they also gave me knowledge… at the same time J… took away my fears of ‘O.M.G! – what did I do wrong’.
I would never go anywhere else, for my ‘Booch Brewing’ needs.
M.D. Schmitt
Jeff Staab –
Lightening quick shipping, complete instructions and free extra goodies to make sure the brew was successful! I will be a customer for life!
Lisa James –
Just finished brewing 2 batches of kombucha with the beautiful scouts and starter liquid from Kombucha Kamp. Did secondary ferment with cherries and vanilla for one batch and peach, ginger and cinnamon sticks for the second. Tastes wonderful, pH was perfect after 7 days. Have temporarily parked the Scobys in a hotel and looking forward to many more batches of kombucha! Great quality and actually had a personal phone call when I was
trying to change my email on my account! Would never look elsewhere for tea blend-Hannah’s Special Tea Blend produces very nice kombucha!
Gail Kocian –
I received 2 SCOBYS in perfect condition & well packaged. I’ve got 2 batches of kombucha brewing now. Thanks for your excellent quality products.
Holly (ND) –
I bought a bottle of Kombucha on a lark and found I really liked it. It IS expensive in the store, so I started reading about it and figured I should learn to make it. I started growing a SCOBY from a store bought bottle and then bought a dehydrated one (This one never did a thing). I waited impatiently for the one I grew and I now have a nice SCOBY.
In the meantime I purchased two KK SCOBYS. They would have saved me about two months of waiting! Hannah – your SCOBYs are Huge, and were very healthy when they arrived (still are). Your hand written note really impressed me (something you don’t see anymore) and your special blend tea sample was fabulous! (I will be ordering more of it. I think my sister in laws will too!)
After what – two(?)months I am the family "expert". I have made and flavored perhaps 4 gallons of it. My son and husband like it, I have two sister in laws and a niece very interested and learning. A couple of people have told me mine is better than store bought!
I have found your website to be a wealth of information, my order was quickly filled and arrived promptly and you sent more than I expected.
Thank you!
Patrick Wilson –
Compared to other scoby’s I’ve seen, these are big, bodacious and brew-ready! They look so healthy and of a high quality and have provided us with two batches so far of kombucha. I’m planning on splitting them to get four gallons going at a time! Great product for sure! Patrick Wilson (Rochester, NY)
Richard (New York) –
Everything seems to be working as it should ,I bought 2 scoby’s and the Big Kombucha book . Half of first batch of C B has been bottled with flavoring , 6 -7 frozen cherries, 1/4 vanilla bean ,another with 4 prunes and vanilla, a week later strained into bottle and given a shot of fresh tea in hopes of carbonation ,has sat now for a couple days and will refrigerate today . Added fresh sweet tea at the time I drained off first batch , that seemed to be ready in a week , did the same thing again but flavored with 8 – 10 raisins and 1/4 vanilla bean , replenished with sweet tea .. so at this time I’m on batch 3 brewing . not sure but think I’m going to add fresh ginger and maybe part of an orange next. Haven’t been drinking any yet other than a teaspoon here and there . so far 5 stars.
Christine (Southern Oregon) –
My KT was up & running immediately with these gorgeous SCOBYs. I had peace of mind knowing they came from a reputable source & they were of the best quality.
Amber Goddard –
This is my first experience with kombucha. This is one healthy looking SCOBY. Now that I’ve been making kombucha for a few months, I can say it truly makes great kombucha.
Amber T (cincinnati OH)
Lindley (Camp Verde, AZ) –
I loved the Scoby I received. I ordered two. They were in excellent condition it has been over a month and I have made wonderful kombucha with it and hope to continue making it for a long time. Thank you.
Merrilyn Reeves –
Reviewed by Merrilyn R, Plummer, Idaho.
I ordered 2 SCOBYs with starter liquid and carefully followed the directions for our first brew. Then we patiently waited for 34 long days until the proper pH was reached, bottled our booch, waited some more, and finally, finally got to taste. WOW!! It definitely was worth the wait! I had tried other methods to make kombucha including a dehydrated one from the frig section of my health food store with NO success. With Hannah’s SCOBY + booch and her clear directions, even our first brew turned out perfectly.
The flavorings we chose from the many offerings in the Big Book were wonderful! Thank you, Hannah and Alex. We loved your special blend tea also.
Susan Shockley –
I just successfully brewed my first batch of kombucha and I have been amazed and grateful for all of the information Hannah shares and the high quality products she sells. I started with a 2 gallon continuous brew and so I bought the 2 scoby pack and put them both in the brew. We bottled after 14 days and the second ferment took another 7 days and now we are enjoying our own delicious kombucha!! Thank you so much Hannah!
Debra E Mercer –
First I have to say how much I’m enjoying making our Kombucha. I purchased the Handmade Stone Vessel with a Stainless Steel Spigot, Tea Blend, tea ball, 2 Scoby’s with Starter, the "Kombucha Book (Hardcover) and I’m presently brewing my 5th batch of Kombucha and couldnt be happier with the results!!
My husband and son are also enjoying the brew!!
Debra Mercer
Prince Edward Island, Canada
Judy Brooks (Milwaukie, OR) –
I had made kombucha for some time. Bought from you because I know I can trust your products to perform and the prices are reasonable. I give this product a 5 STAR ***** also purchased some test strips so I could check where the kombucha is at because at this time of year it is cool in my house. work great …another 5STAR*****
Marianne Schaefer –
Reviewed by Marianne S, Cottonwood AZ. 2/8/19 I am always pleased with my SCOBYs from Kombucha Kamp! The packaging is exceptional, and the directions are very reassuring for newbies and experienced kombucha makers.
rebecca austin –
Rebecca Austin, Prince George, British Columbia
This is the second time that I’ve turned to Kombucha Kamp to purchase SCOBYs for my micro-business, expecting quality and excellent support. I was not disappointed. Thank you, Hannah and team!
Kelly Cannon –
Very healthy, energetic scobys. I bought two and they were large and thick, maybe an inch or so. Came packed in a nice vinegary liquid. I’ve made my best brews starting with these mothers.
Randy Enders –
These are robust SCOBYs! I had previously purchased cultures that barely worked because they were small and weak. That is not an issue with SCOBYs from Kombucha Moma.
Sandra Murphy –
I have been using the continuous brew method since 2016. I have purchased all of my supplies and have learned everything from Kombucha Kamp. We recently moved to another state and my brewing had to start over. I purchased two beautiful new SCOBYs from KK and am happily brewing again. They are THE BEST!
Adrian LoMonaco –
HUUUUGE beautiful scobys!! Thanks so much!!! 🤗🙏🏻❤️
Andrea Bogaty –
Very nice scobys and that is from someone who first tried kombucha brewing with a scoby kit from Amazon. The scobys from Kombucha Kamp a large and healthy. I’m on my first time using them and a new scoby is forming in the jars very rapidly. I’m very pleased with the scobys from Kombucha Kamp.
Robert Eberly –
Great customer service and the best product for kombucha in the market. Fast shipping too!
Rachel Phillips –
Like others, I received 2 SCOBYs sooner than expected. Customer service is first rate – I received an immediate answer to my concern over cultures being viable after being shipped in summer temps. My purchase included a couple other items, but I didn’t expect the free thermometer strip & Hannah’s tea blend! You have captured my business, for sure!! Rachel P. (Cary, NC)
Missa Waldo –
I’m loving the kombucha these scobys produce! They arrived faster than I expected, too. Just beautiful!
Gina Phillips –
SCOBYs came as expected…perfect! I am on my second brew and they look great.
Christine Kidder, Granby CT –
Quality SCOBY and great support. I received SCOBY fast, followed your directions and am now enjoying home made buch. Thanks for quality products and great support.
Janis Lawrence –
I started experimenting with making Kombucha about 6 months ago. I found this website and ordered the two Scobys and Hannah’s Special Tea Blend and I can say that I am very pleased with both. These Scobys are HUGE; much bigger than the one I purchased elsewhere. A+!!!
steven sawyer –
I had a small problem with my brew. Don’t know what happened but mold formed on the kombucha while brewing. I let the folks at Kombucha Kamp know about this and asked them for their advice. Not only did they help with advice they offered to send me replacement scobies. I did not ask, nor was I expecting their generous offer. They treated me great and their customer service is impeccable. I will continue to do business with Kombucha Kamp and recommend them to my friends. Thank you.
Ali B (Cumming, GA) –
Considering this is the magic that makes kombucha, KOMBUCHA, this is a must. I shopped around before I went with Kombucha Kamp, and it’s a relief to know that I got quality SCOBYs for my first time brewing. I’ve brewed only a handful of batches so far, and the (now single HUGE) SCOBY is going strong. Thanks, KK!
Sandy C (West Warwick, RI) –
Not knowing any better, I tried using dehydrated scobys–didn’t work. A local KT brewer told me about KKamp. These scobys work very well and multiply quickly. I recommend this company and website to anyone interested in KT.
Tom (Oak Forest, IL) –
Ordered a double SCOBY for recent charred oak barrel purchase. SCOBYs went immediately to work sealing up the barrel in less than a day. These SCOBYs are big and hardy. Ordered another SCOBY from a different vendor. Won’t do that anymore. KK only place to get ’em.
Kim Shands –
I ordered 2 scobys and they are perfect. Nice and thick and beautiful in color. I also ordered tea and my brew has turned out perfectly. Thanks so much for all you do.
C. McCann –
(Chesapeake, VA) EXCELLENT product and kickin’ price. I LOVE your scobys – they are healthy and beautiful. The kombucha is tasty and delicious. So glad you guys are out here. Thanks! Carol
Hildy from Palm Harbor, Florida –
I have bought the scoby for the kombucha and they were very healthy and fat. I call them my babies. I have already shared scobies and kefir babies. Five stars to the products as well as the prompt answer to questions: very helpful. Thank you.
Gina Robello –
I had to order a back up and one for my daughter. She wants to start brewing she could not believe how fantastic my brew tasted, guess you can say I inspired her.
Chris Pooser –
These SCOBYs arrived in excellent condition and have been producing flawlessly!
Marc Steele –
(San Diego, CA)
The order arrived quick and each SCOBY was packaged separately (great since it was for myself and a friend to start our own batches). Just bottled and flavored my first brew and am looking forward to tasting in a few days! (Side note: used the Big Book of Kombucha to help along the process – SUPER informative and helpful!)
Kevin McCabe –
Great product. I have been batch brewing for about a year, after receiving Hannah’s book for Christmas I decided to try CB. So glad that I did. It is a much easier and cleaner process. I am very pleased with working with the folks at Kombucha Kamp.
Rebecca F – Sherwood Park Canada –
I started my very first batch of Booch and it was a success thanks to these fantastic SCOBYs with starter liquid. I am sure if I had more of an inferior product my Kombucha would have died for sure because it was so cold until I could get my heater. Thanks so much!
Gina, Hilo, Hawaii –
Can’t get enough so I decided to purchase two more scobys and start a second brew!
Thank you KKamp
Elizabeth (Adelaide, Australia) –
Just want to say how happy I am with my scobies; I now have 3 continuous brewing vessels going & am loving my
Kombucha. Cheers & thanks,
Elizabeth 💐💐💐💐
I bought these and kept them in a dark pantry until I gave them as a gift for Christmas. They can stay good in the packaging for weeks, so that was very convenient! As soon as I added them to brewing vessel they started growing like crazy! Highly recommend for the good quality scobys!
Hildegard Maggi (Palm Harbor FL) –
I am very pleased with my purchase of SCOBYs. Very healthy, my friends say I talk about them as my pets. Somehow you do get attached to them. I’m trying making the continuous brewing, which I’m sure I will succeed. How could I not with such healthy starter? Very good customer service too.
Ofelina Gutierrez (Woodstock GA) –
The scobys arrived in great condition so did the rest of the supplies. The package arrived within a week. The scobys started doing their job right of way and I been enjoying my kombucha tea for the past 3 weeks. I combine it with cold hibiscus tea or put a few ounces in my water bottle. I recommend it.
Glenace –
Excellent SCOBY. Fermented right off the bat after they arrived in the kickstarter kit. They are truly superior and give a great tasting KT. I had purchased less expensive SCOBY (twice, in fact!) and did not have success with second brew. I think they just did not have the capacity to brew multiple batches one after another. I have used the same technique and supplies with SCOBY from Hannah and have no problems with multiple brews. I am now on my third and no problems in sight.
Joshua Rood (San Leandro, CA) –
The kombucha kamp cultures are large and healthy and the starter is strong. I have gotten excellent results on numerous occasions with this product. And shipping has also been quick, reliable and affordable. Excellent all the way through.
Kelly –
Thank you Kombucha Kamp! After ordering the stoneware crock for my dad, then my mom, and hearing about their success, I had to try out the scobys for my own brew. I can’t believe the difference! Suddenly my scobys looked like they do in the book and the kombucha is so good. These kits make the process really simple- combine with the Big Book of Kombucha to guide and inspire! The stoneware crocks are pieces of art- I selected the green and the layering of colors is beautiful. Our family is also really enjoying Hannah’s tea blend! Overall, very high quality products and outstanding service!
Lynne Rue, Palestine, TX –
I originally purchased a continuous brew kit with cover and heater way back in 2011. Hannah helped me get off to a great start. My husband and I have been drinking kombucha ever since. It is just a part of my everyday routine. Recently I felt the need to replace my scobys and get a new crock cover. Everything else I had originally purchased still worked great. I called and Hannah answered the phone. She had my old account pulled up, knew exactly what I had ordered back then, new order placed and my account updated in minutes with my new address. But the thing that impressed me the most was that she mentioned that I was one of her first customers and then topped off the call with thanking me for my order. Hannah that was an extra special treat ! Gosh, most stores I have shopped at don’t remember me from week to week much less thank me for coming in. Hannah, THANK YOU ! I am so grateful that I found you back then. I can’t even imagine how many health problems I may have dodged over the years by faithfully sticking with this. This journey has been well worth taking.
Rebecca K (Columbus, Wisconsin) –
I am very impressed with these cultures. They arrived in excellent condition. I used the first one right away and made the brew according to directions. The second one I stored in a dark location for a week so that my brews would be staggered. Both cultures are healthy and beautiful. They are very active.
Carlos Rivera (Miami, FL) –
I ordered the scoby kombucha culture, really happy with it. Great item, easy to use.
Carol Ellis (Statesboro, GA) –
I was interested in trying to make my own kombucha when my husband was put on an extended regimen of antibiotics. A friend, who had used your products, recommended your site. I googled it and ordered your SCOBY. I am ecstatic! The directions and additional suggestions (e.g. reduction of sugar) were clear and easy to follow; the Continuous Brew is a bonus I had not anticipated; and the kombucha is delicious!! My husband loves it and so do I. Now I just need to order your tea blend! Thank you: for the knowledge, support, and quality product you provide.
Susan Kristie –
I am so thrilled that I am able to purchase great SCOBY’s here. Due to an illness I wasn’t able to bottle my last batch of kombucha and the Scoby died. I placed my order and received the Scoby within a couple of days. This batch is as wonderful as the previous fully fermented batch I bottled. I so appreciate knowing that Kombucha Kamp’s products are always top-notch! After ten years of brewing I go into withdrawal without my daily Kombucha and the Kombucha I buy in the store just doesn’t cut it the way my home brewed does. Thanks for having my back!
Trudy M (Ridgefield,WA) –
I have bought several of these and think they are the best out there. I had bought some from another site and it wasn’t as hardy as these. I have make a ton of successful batches with these. Thanks for an awesome product.
Phil Page (Baton Rouge) –
Started from scratch with their textbook. Found that the website product selection is awesome, as well as the online information about brewing. Answered my newbie questions via email. Always great to have a ‘friend’ who can answer your brewing questions. Next step: Kegging!
Steensland Family Kombucha –
I just wanted to tell you how amazed we are at the health and vigor of your kombucha scobys. Just incredible. We have been paying more for refrigerated scobys from another source and it takes weeks for them to grow babys and yours grew one in DAYS!!! We cant wait to see how the flavor is going to turn out with your stuff. Thank you so much we should have started using your scobys months ago!!! Cheers.
Karen Williams –
When my first two attempts at Kombucha brewing failed I knew I needed more research before trying again. That’s when I discovered The Big Book of Kombucha and read it cover to cover. I ordered everything I needed from your website, including two gorgeous looking Scobys. Ones I had purchased previously from different sources were anemic in comparison. Needless to say, my brewing experience has gone from frustrating and disappointing to exciting and completely satisfying. Very happy I found you.
Kelly –
These are the BEST scobys! Our original kombucha brew (not from KK) made scobys, and they worked, but were thin and it took longer than the time suggested to reach the proper pH. I decided to switch it up and start a new brew with KK scobys– what a difference! Thick, fast growing scobys producing really tasty kombucha! These are worth the cost.
N. H. (Minnetonka MN) –
All is well with my brew!!! The 2 new SCOBY have made a great batch of Kombucha with "Hannah’s Special Tea Blend." SCOBYs arrived in good condition and I was relieved to find reassurance they would keep well in their bags of Kombucha starter Tea until I was ready to get a batch going. Alex was helpful in resending a new password, which I changed & now can’t find, 😣 and patient with getting my order questions answered. 5 stars for SCOBY’s, Hannah’s Tea and Alex’s help!
Johanna Carey from Groveland MA –
Kombucha Kamp has been my go to reference for everything Kombucha. I just started brewing less than a year ago and I am hooked! The customer service when I ordered my Scobies was incredible! The personalized, detailed responses answered all my questions and then some. I will always order from Kombucha Kamp. My first time with continuous brew is a hit thanks to my powerful Scobies from Kombucha Kamp. Thanks you again!
Steve H. Greenville, SC –
I received 2 of these SCOBY cultures with my starter kit and although I have never had any experience with them, they must be good quality because I made my starter batch and my last 3 top-off batches without any problems. The SCOBYs are approximately 5" diameter by 3/8" thick and they look similar to the ones pictured. They were packaged in double layer, vacuum sealed packs and there was no leakage. Another good product from the Kombucha Kamp.
Autumn Mitchell –
Love Kombucha Kamp scobys. They are high quality and make wonderful Kombucha. They are shipped fast. We started our 1st batch almost 1 month ago and will be bottling soon. Thank you
Gwen (Louisville,KY) –
I was so excited that my first batch of kombucha was perfect. Healthy scoby arrived while I was away on a trip, 10 days later I got home…plopped my healthy scoby in and the rest is delicious history.
Courtney –
Received my two SCOBYs and starter liquid quickly and they arrived very healthy and ready to go. I have since made multiple batches of kombucha that all turned out amazing and I now have a bunch of baby SCOBYs as an added bonus. I have so many I am starting a hotel. Would highly recommend!!!
Matt and Trisha Ann (East Wenatche, WA) –
Just received my SCOBY’S. Couldn’t believe my eyes or the weight of these fabulous cultures. I bought some cultures from another source thinking that since the the price was better that I was getting a great deal. Those babies were about 3 inches in diameter and it took 3 to make 3/4 of a gallon. So NO NO NO ….. NEVER AGAIN!!!! The Kombucha Kamp is our one stop shop now. ALL of our referrals are coming your way. Thank you so much!!!!!!! We received a great deal on 3 more 2 1/2 gallon continuous brewing jars and so here I am ordering again. Now that we have introduced kombucha to our friends we can’t keep enough around. Today Matt, my husband, went in for an adjustment at our chiropractors. He was telling them about our booch so we went back with a half gallon for them to share and now they want to buy our booch. Don’t know that I want to sell ….. but it was an excellent compliment. And we owe it all to you. Thanks Hannah Your booch friends, Matt and Trisha Ann
Kelly Tate Fl –
As a newbie to brewing Kombucha, I wanted a product from a reliable company who could hold my hand if need be. I found both in this product! Very easy to handle and brew, btw.
Christine –
I purchased 2 large SCOBYs to use in a 2.5 Gal continuous brewer. These are lovely SCOBYs and they are making delightful kombucha for me and my hubby. I would recommend to anyone.
Erik Brown (Highlands Ranch, CO) –
These SCOBY’s are extremely high quality. I was nervous about buying them online, BUT, after receiving these and brewing with them, I will NOT buy them elsewhere. Trust me, you will not regret ordering from KK. Hannah rocks!
Candace Floyd (Charlotte, NC) –
I was hesitant about buying scobys because of unsuccessful brews from a different sellers scoby. It was frustrating, and overwhelming to be a new kombucha brewer until I found Kombucha Kamp! Every brew with the scobys a new scoby is created. I was shocked and excited because this never happened with the dehydrated scoby I bought from a previous seller. I couldn’t be more excited and say enough good about my purchase of scobys. They’re big, shipped fast and make successful KT! Love and highly recommend buying! Its fun watching and waiting for KT to get done and it’s delicious!
Debbie Duckett –
I received my Scobys quicker than I thought I would and my email didn’t show they had shipped. I was afraid they would be dead since they spent a day and 1/2 in 100 degree temperature in my mail box. I decided to try anyway and my first batch turned out wonderful. My daughter and I are having a blast brewing our own kombucha and the baby scobys that are growing seem very healthy. I was so happy to find this sight and have recommended it to several people so far. We bought a whole brew kit and it is working like a charm. Thank you Hannah for the wonderful product.
Carol Holbrook –
This is the second time I have bought scobys from Kombucha Kamp and just as they were perfect when received the first time they were also again perfect this time. I wanted to replace my old scobies, which were many, many babes from the original KK scoby purchased several years ago. My first batch with my new scoby is delicious and the new scoby I brewed is beautiful. I can always count on Hannah to send me the best! Thanks!!
Caitlin L. (Columbus, OH) –
I love my SCOBYs from K. Kamp! I began brewing kombucha in March of this year (2017), and purchased a kit including the SCOBY from a different company. I made about 3 batches but could never get that tart, vinegar taste that I love about ‘buch. I thought perhaps something I had done had damaged the SCOBY and so I decided to purchase a new one. Since beginning brewing, I had read The Big Book of Kombucha, and really felt that Kombucha Kamp was a great resource; after checking the reviews of their products I decided it was the best choice. After receiving the two new SCOBYs from K. Kamp, I had an inkling the problems with my prior batches were not my fault…as the K. Kamp SCOBYs were at least twice as large and twice as thick as the one I had been using! The prior SCOBY always created these thin, friable baby’s on my brews, so I was so delighted to find a thick beautiful baby on my first brew with the K. Kamp SCOBY. Now I feel comfortable giving my friends and family some of the baby SCOBYs, and would recommend Kombucha Kamp to any new brewers!
Eduardo –
It arrived perfectly – very well packaged and organized. Thanks for the support!
Susan Fitzgerald –
I received the 2 Scobys with my initial order. These mothers have made me 10 plus wonderful gallons of Kombucha. I continue to use them because the babies are not as big as the mother scobys I have from Kombucha Kamp. One is always in my Kombucha and the other safe in the Scoby Hotel, just in case…..
Katrin, Saratoga Springs –
Simply the best SCOBYs, the best recipes, and equipment !
Not as inexpensive, but great quality delivered every fast time 🙂 Thank you for enjoying what you do!!!!!
Lily (Owatonna, MN) –
The SCOBYs I received from Kombucha Kamp are large, thick, and healthy — they do a wonderful job of transforming sweet tea into tasty Kombucha time and time again. I will always consider K-Kamp my trusted source.
Ali B (Broken Arrow, OK), 6/23/17 –
I’ve brewed a couple rounds of kombucha from the 2 SCOBYs and special tea blend from Kombucha Kamp, and the kombucha has been more delicious than anything I’ve ever bought! I’ll be back for more tea, and I’ve already been able to pass on a baby SCOBY to a friend because the ones I bought from KK were so strong! Thank you!
Jeff –
I cannot sing enough praises about Kombucha Kamp and their SCOBYs. I started with 1 SCOBY and very quickly decided that I needed to grow my brews because of how popular it’s become with my entire family. Now we’re the designated family brewery. The SCOBYs arrived in a very well sealed package each, with strong starter liquid. I now have three 2-gallon brewers going; thanks for feeding the addiction!
Jeanne Bishop (Tucson, AZ) –
WOW! This isn’t my first time attempting to brew my own KT, but it was the first time I brewed Premium KT. I was amazed by the robust action this high quality SCOBY produced. I’m thrilled!
Greg H (Lansing NC) –
Adding a commercial Kombucha line in our brewery, and in NC we needed to use certified SCOBYs. Hannah provided necessary documentation and we passed our Dept of AG. food and drug inspection with flying colors!
Charlie Gibson –
The two Kombucha Cultures I received were put to work right away and in 4 days I tasted my first home brew. I couldn’t be happier. Thanks for getting me started.
Lidia (Israel) –
Excellent quality scobies! Fast and hassle free shipping! Would never order from another place! Hannah is very knowledgeable and helpful with questions!
Heather Baird (Menifee, Ca) –
I ordered 4 scobys altogether. They arrived in 1 day I was super impressed. They arrived beautifully packaged and such an amazing culture as well. I have done 3 successful rounds in my continuous brewer and just started the 4th round. Highly recommend The Big Book of Kombucha. Answers all my questions and I keep referring back to it 🙂
Vicki Mickola –
This is a lovely company. Very helpful. Loved the free shipping and the helpful brochures. They came very quickly and made excellent kombucha. I will definitely use them for all my kombucha needs.
Barbara (Rathdrum, Idaho) –
I just wanted to thank you for my order! Beautiful scoby’s!!!! And the fermenting heater works great! I will be ready to bottle my first batch of kombucha in a day or two, and I can’t wait! Your tea blend was amazing too!! Anyway, thank you for everything I needed to get started, and for the great instructions, and videos!!
Raven P. (Jacksonville, FL) –
The SCOBY was awesome! Nice, thick, and an appropriate amount of starter fluid. I caressed the scobies because they were fantastic and mesmerizing. I have the tea packet and will use it in my next brew. Can’t wait to test me tea from KKamp!
Solana Gothard (Edmonds WA) –
My two scobies arrived quickly, both very healthy looking along with their starter liquid! I’ve since brewed a couple batches of Kombucha (tasty!) and my CB is happily bubbling away. I highly recommend getting your Scoby from Kombucha Kamp!
Christopher Salbego (Princeton,WI) –
As always, Hannah’s scobies are the best! They never fail to make the best Kombucha possible!!! Thanks Hannah!
Pam T. –
I have multiple batches of KT going at a time and I wanted to start a really large batch with fresh scobys. I ordered two from kombucha camp and they were great quality and have made a very nice batch of KT! Thanks
Leslie P., Newcastle Wyoming –
I love my SCOBYs!! The are quality for sure. I didn’t read close enough, but I could have waited for the weekend to start my brew, as they can survive in there for a couple weeks. I am saving for a continuous brew system for sure, but for now, I am set up and happy! Plus, I love how much information your website had available, and how it really is a small family business!
SB, California –
Armed with the knowledge to take care of them, I purchased + 2 beautiful creamy white scoby’s from K.K. I have since named them the Ruby twins. The kombucha my girls produced completely exceeded my expectations and impressed my friends. In addition to the scoby’s, I have brought what I call bits and bobs from K.K. plastic spigot, temperature gauge, ph strips, kombucha concentrate, fermentation caps, all items were packaged nicely and received in 3 days. However the thing that has impressed me the most is the information Hannah dispenses with purchases, her willingness to answer questions and the in-depth educational material available on the K.K. website. I am very grateful to find in one place all I need to know to be a successful brewer. Thank you Hannah, thank you Kombucha Kamp.
Heather –
We’re now on our 6th or 7th batch of our continuous brew and started a separate hibiscus brew. The SCOBY’s arrived on time and healthy and have created delicious brews each time with no issues. I’d recommend these to anyone starting out!
hannah –
loving it on my 2nd batch.
Andrea gentry, the woodlands tx –
I ordered 2 kombucha scobys, and I am very pleased with them. I made 2 beautiful textbook perfect batches with them. The scobies are thick, firm, creamy, and blemish free. Everything was packaged well, and sent out quickly. I will recommend Kombucha Kamp to everyone that asks 😃
Aubrey Pool (Dowingtown PA) –
Hello – def a 5 star purchase. We are loving our kombucha! Thank you for the high quality scoby.
Rose W –
I’ve been using the two SCOBYs I got to use in my continuous brewing system for five months now and I am so impressed with how big it has grown. I was just talking with a friend about giving her some of this one to start her own batch. The kombucha is delicious, easy to make and working with Kombucha Kamp has been great.
Sydney (Seguin TX) –
5* review, for sure…have been brewing Kombucha from my KK Scobys for about 8 months & we love it! My husband’s doctor is amazed at his lowered blood sugar testing results. Delivery of the order is superfast & the brewing directions are very easy to follow. Thanks!!!
Carmen Martin –
The SCOBYs I received were large, white and very thick. I was surprised how big they were and the liquid they were packaged in smelled just like commercial brands of kombucha. Excellent quality!
Veronica (Bruner, MO) –
I got my 2 SCOBY with my continuous brew kit. They came just as pictured. I followed the instructions and 8 days later I was decanting my very first batch! The hardest part was waiting and not disturbing the culture. I couldn’t believe how fast it cover the whole batch.
Tina Wilson (Arlington, WA) –
I’m a newbie at brewing kombucha so decided to go with a trusted source when buying a live scoby. I previously got a freeze dried scoby as part of a small kit purchased elsewhere and luckily hadn’t tried using it yet. I read in Hannah’s book that freeze dried scobys are not going to give you the bacteria benefits of a live scoby. I purchased two scobys as part of the no frills continuous brew kit and they quickly formed a new scoby on top of my first batch. I’m on batch number four and it’s continuing to grow larger with each batch. Do not purchase a freeze dried scoby. I fed mine to my dog!
Bryon Green –
This SCOBY is producing a brew that is much better than the one I created from a single bottle of GT Synergy that I started using. Glad I decided to give this a try.
Claudia Hannah (St. Paul MN) –
I credit the success of my first brew to the quality of the Scoby (5 stars). I flavored the kombucha with the ginger – it is some of the best kombucha I’ve ever drank!
Gina Kutas (Yuma AZ) –
5 star! This is my second purchase! I just recently started making my own Kombucha, my kids liked it so much I bought them a Scoby so they could start their own. I also purchased your book and love sharing recipe ideas with them!
Gale –
I purchased 3 of the 2.5 gal. brewing jars from Hannah. I am a fan of the continuous brew. It is THE BEST method and it is the easiest method for those of us who have so little time to spare. I LOVE HANNAH, their customer service is OUTSTANDING!
Carolyn Clark (Dallas, Texas) –
Received my 2 SCOBYs yesterday, so fast, they are large and beautiful! These are for our second 2 gallon brew, as we are hooked. I love everything about KK. Thank you for all your efforts and information.
Teresa Smith (La Pine OR) –
I just wanted to give a short review about the 2 SCOBY I received. I was more than pleased with the time it took to receive my product. Plus they were in beautiful condition, but I didn’t expect anything less. I’ve always pleased with my items and service you provide. Thank you Hannah.
Melissa Hardin –
It was such a joy to meet my 2 new SCOBYS today!! They are so beautiful & I do believe that when I named them, that they giggled a bit!! Now they are busy doing their magic in my new continuous brew set up. Thank you for providing such great quality products! We novice brewers are so fortunate to have such an outstanding resource for our brewing products & questions!
Darwin Olsen (Provo UT) –
Scobys are doing great, will buy from again.
Norma Bicknell –
I researched many kombucha brewing kits online before ordering from Kombucha Kamp. The SCOBYs are just like in the pictures, well packaged, large & make the most delicious kombucha. Beautiful.
Ann Bailey (Charlotte,NC) –
Well at the risk of being redundant and boring, I am giving another 5 star review. 🙂 I first learned the nourishing benefits of Kombucha 2 years ago when I subscribed to Jenny MacGruther’s blog, Nourished Kitchen. She recommended Kombucha Kamp, so I read all I could and made a batch from scratch at home with,cultures from a commercial bottle of Kombucha. it was ok. I finally pulled the trigger so to speak and ordered from KK about 4 weeks ago – wow. I put both SCOBYS in my first batch and yikes I had a really healthy, surprisingly thick baby in 10 days. I had tons of questions at first, but the instructions that came with the SCOBYS answered everything! Thanks Hannah!
Paula (Athens GA) –
Great product! After losing my kombucha colonies to remodeling dust and debris contamination, I first tried a cheap, dehydrated option from a online market, but it failed to produce a good brew after months of nurturing. I ordered two scobys from KK and have been happily brewing since they arrived. And the online educational material has been a wealth of knowledge – now I’m doing the continuous brewing method for the first time and love it! Thanks, KK for everything.
Kim M. (Antioch, IL) –
I could not be happier with my scoby twins! Beautiful, healthy, thick, and making a great batch of kombucha (I’m doing 1.5 gallons in a 2.2 gallon vessel). I did find that there seemed to be quite a bit of yeast in both the starters, but I was able to filter out most of it before my second ferment. Shipping was super-fast and they were packed well. Excellent, excellent quality. Thank you!
Benni Brunette (Bellingham WA) –
I ordered 2 SCOBY’s, the price for two was great, it was the same price I paid for a refrigerated SCOBY at the local co-op, which I was replacing because it didn’t work like I expected. Your SCOBY’s came overnight and were fresh looking and actually pretty. We started two batches the next day which we have already bottled and already drank. Uhmn good. We are about to bottle our third batch and your ongoing information and helpful hint emails have made us feel very confident about what we are doing. Your quick service and friendly intelligent advice has been with us on each experience. Thank you, thank you, and thank you. I encourage anyone who is just starting out to use your SCOBY’s and to listen and use your advice. Can’t wait to get the gift certificate and go shopping at your store for some tea to use for our future batches. Job well done!
Christina (Gothenburg, Sweden) –
Two SCOBY-cultures just flew over the Atlantic. I´m amazed! 3 weeks later I´m brewing a second batch. Healthy SCOBY and healthy kombucha. Kombuchakampservice. Thanks!
Sarah –
I decided to buy two SCOBYs from Kombucha Kamp after reading their awesome book. My first Kombucha experience was with a store-bought dehydrated SCOBY, and as explained in the book I was actually brewing a yeast beverage instead of real Kombucha. I was impressed with how quickly my SCOBYs arrived. They looked great and had good instructions to go along with them. Unfortunately, our first two batches got moldy because they were too cold, so we decided to order two more. Right now those brews are sitting on their heating mat and looking GREAT! I will continue to buy all my Kombucha supplies from Kombucha Kamp. I trust Hannah, and I have been impressed by the wealth of information on both this website and her book.
Mary Rose –
I had been buying store bought Kamboucha for years. Very expensive and always the same flavor choices. I have now been making my own with the help of KK and the products the offer. I’ve been doing the continuous method, making 3 gals at a time. I drink a lot of Kamboucha! Especially being post cancer and having a life history of digestive problems. The flavor combinations I have come up with are amazing. Fresh Rose Hip and Hybiscus, Elderberry and Lemon Grass, Blood Orange and Ginger are my favorites. Using the foundations offered by KK has made brewing my own so easy. Thank you so much for the products, instruction, and support!
Kelsy and Michael (Natchitoches, LA) –
The most beautiful scobys!! You will not be disappointed. Very quick response and shipment. I’ve already recommended my friends to purchase from here because these are the BEST around. so thankful!!
Angela (Magnolia, TX) –
I’m so glad I purchased my Scoby’s from KK as they are great quality! Being new to the kombucha world I decided to start my journey with another company, purchased a dehydrated one then realized I would have to wait a minimum of 2 months before enjoying kombucha. Not a good choice for me so I decided to purchase 2 scoby’s from KK and I’m glad I did. I’ve already enjoyed weeks of pleasurable tea with a baby at every brew.
Also, I’ve emailed KK several times with various questions and have always received a prompt response. Great customer service! Thank you for everything!
Mike Shick (Paso Robles, CA) –
I heard Hannah say more than once the the starting scoby really matters, and will effect the success of your brew. I thought this was a sales scam. So, I bought scobys for 1/2 price from the competition. They were dehydrated. For almost a year, I produced wonderful tasting kombucha, but I litterally could not grow a single baby. I purchased the deluxe barrel kit, and ordered Hannahs’ scobys, and she is correct. I couldn’t believe the babies that formed immeadiately with the scobys from her. Now I have homeless scoby’s everywhere because there is no more room in the scoby hotel!
I recommend KK scoby’s!
Danny Chua –
Kombuchakamp scoby is an excellent product.It is so huge,beautiful,healthy and makes delicious and wonderful kombucha drinks.I am so happy and really love it.Highly recommended everyone to get your scoby from kombuchakamp.Thank you so much.
Tracy B –
I bought 2 scobys to start a continuous brew and in less than a month I have grown a very large healthy scoby and started a second continuous brew. Hannah’s special blend tastes better than mine so it looks like I’ll be ordering some more!
Marcia Sattley (Murrieta CA) –
My kombachu is working! Its fizzing! Its amazing. Thank you.
Katherine –
I bought my scobi the first of April and was super pleased. It arrived quickly and was beautiful. I have been brewing since and now have a hotel. Planning to share one of my babies. I have had great response to my questions. Customer service is not dead at Kombucha Kamp.
Carmen Cox, Greensboro NC –
I have ordered these twice now since I have two brewing systems going now. I could have used some in my first brewer but really wanted to be assured of quick growth and knew I couldn’t go wrong getting them here. My second batch is 8 days into brewing tomorrow and it already has grown across the top of my tea and is so healthy. I would only recommend ordering from Kombucha kamp since you can be assured of the quality and care they put into their products. The customer service is impeccable as well. I’m a huge fan
Linda Pool (Post Falls, Idaho) –
These scobys were beautiful and have made the best kombucha ever!!
Sandy Grannis (Ridgefield CT) –
I purchased 2 gorgeous scobys. Both are definitely worthy of 5 stars! The scobys were large and thick as promised and came with enough booch to get things going. They truly want you to succeed in brewing your own booch and have a wealth of information to share. I was winging it before and now I feel like I have a coach in my corner. Thank you so much! I am very grateful.
Larisa Glenn Eugene, OR –
I am new to homebrewing KT and began with a continuous brew system. These scoby cultures came quickly, are very large and have made excellent Kombucha for months now.
Pamela Gibson (Cedar Falls IA) –
The scobys from Kombucha Kamp are full size and very healthy! When I started brewing I made the mistake of ordering a scoby from another website. It was tiny, maybe 3 inches across, and it did the job, but took forever to brew and create a full-size baby. When I ordered my continuous brew package from Hannah, I chose the no frills package that included 2 scobys. What a difference! They were both so much larger and included plenty of starter liquid. My friend ordered a scoby on a Sunday, and had it by Wednesday, free shipping! I tell all my friends to order from Kombucha Kamp only. For $24.88 they can order a scoby, free shipping, and start brewing. Best company on the web!
Jerry Jensen –
The SCOBYs came very quickly and in perfect shape. They were very large and plenty of starter liquid with them. I drink so much kombucha that I am thinking about ordering more SCOBYs.
Denise (Santa Rosa CA) –
I got 2 cultures with 2 cups of liquid and your instructions! Over the last 3 1/2 weeks I have cultured my way up to a 5 gallon continuous brew system. It was EASY. Your cultures were beautiful and strong. I am thrilled with the speed, quality and flavor of continuous brew. I am sharing it at the firehouse and we are "all in"! I recommend your cultures and systems with 5 stars and no reservations.
Laura B (Williamsburg, VA) –
Just like all the other reviewers, I am SO impressed with these cultures. As a total newbie, I was terrified of the m word (mold..) and of killing my precious SCOBY. These are so hearty and come with tons of starter liquid. I have had zero problems and they look absolutely beautiful floating around in my kombucha kamp brewer (can you tell I’ve become loyal?)
Martie from Illinois –
The scoby arrived very quickly and jumped right in to producing great tasting kombucha. Love that it shipped for free-this is a great company with wonderful customer service.
Cliff Wood –
Quick delivery, ordered on 1/15, delivered 1/18. Started our first batch on 1/20 and had delicious Kombucha on 2/1. These SCOBYs fit perfectly into our one gallon vessels. We have two batches brewing producing 4-24 ounces bottles every four days. First timers.
Carol H – Oregon –
My SCOBYs arrived promptly and were large, thick and all-around beautiful. Simple recipe included and great success in brewing made us happy. I have been brewing for 4 years and I highly recommend KKamp for kombucha supplies.
S –
Great scobies. Thank you Hannah. Arrived healthy and kicking.
Stefania Mikulec (Allston MA) –
I have had such success with these SCOBY. I am a first time brewer so I was a bit intimidated but who knew making kombuca would be so easy. I loved how quick the shipping was and the customer support is amazing.
Simone –
The best of Kombucha cultures. I’ve tried others that failed in my beginner’s hands, not these. Delicious kombucha all the way. And super fast shipping! Thank you Hannah!
peggyann –
I am new to brewing and ordered two scoby from kk. They are excellent healthy specimens.
Thanks,Hanna for your help.
Cheryl Snarr (Missouri) –
Hello I am very satisfied with the products I have ordered. I have been brewing my kombucha since 1996 the old recipe I have used until I received your shortcut recipe which I really like . I am planning on using the continuous brewing in the near future. Your Kombucha Kamp Web site is 5 stars it has made my love for this tea so much easier to enjoy and share with others who want to know more about it. Thank you so much for your devotion I am Blessed to have this in my life for so many years and all the years to come.
Summer H. (Mexico, MO) –
Recieved my healthy cultures quickly! I was brewing within 5 days of ordering them. I’m on my 3rd batch and have already made 3 babies! I did purchase the heater with the thermostat and I’m now making enough kombucha for 4 people using the continuous brewing system! I have found this website to be a great resource!
Rebecca B –
Easy to order, quick shipping, and great follow through to ensure satisfaction with purchase. Beautiful SCOBY product. Enjoying our adventure!
Kathleen Konce (PBG, Fl) 12/11/15 –
The two SCOBYs I received were very healthy. They were beautifully packaged in starter liquid and this made it easy for me to start brewing. The SCOBYs are thriving and creating wonderful kombucha. Thank you Kombucha Mamma!
Robbie Lieske (Chehalis, WA) –
I am loving Hannah’s KK scoby’s. They are healthy & producing wonderful kombucha in my new Continuous Brew crock. They came well packaged & the order came quickly. Thanks so much Hannah!
Mellissa Mikara (DFW, TX) –
I received 2 beautiful healthy scoby’s with my continuous brewing kit. I’m super impressed with how well they are growing and can’t wait to start my first hotel soon! I’m grateful for all the helpful advice made available to me with my purchase too. Thanks so much
Yuliya –
I used cultures I got from Amazon before and was satisfied with my KT because I didn’t know any better. Thankfully, one of them started to grow mold and I turned to Hannah for advise. I received 2 scolbies that I turned into continuous brew and it tastes so much better!!! The words can’t describe the difference in quality. From now on I only get brewing products from Hannah!
Snowyandfabulous! –
Have now made two batches of sweet booch from your wonderful SCOBYs! I now have grown two beautiful new babies from the originals, and couldn’t be happier with the quality of my purchase! Thanks so much KK!
Danielle –
These are the best SCOBY’s I have ever purchased. I recently moved and could not bring my SCOBY hotel with me so I had to start new batches. I started with a dehydrated culture that was on sale, BIG MISTAKE! After a few days, the only thing that grew was mold. Enter Kombucha Kamp! The beauties that came in the mail were calling my name waiting to be brewed. The end product is undergoing a second ferment as we speak. I cannot wait to dive into the booch! Thanks Kombucha Kamp!
Lois Bratkovich –
We received our 2 SCOBY cultures last month and have been enjoying Kombucha within a few short weeks. It’s very tasty, easy to make, and with continuous brew, we have it all the time! It’s delicious; and isn’t it great to know that it’s good for you!
Doug Bedard (BC Canada) –
The 4 Kombucha scobies I’ve purchased off you have all arrived happy and healthy as have the Kefir grains and the Jun scoby. Have brewed a few batches up so far in the two continuous brewers I purchased from you. I love this stuff! Still waiting for my first batch of Jun to be done. It’s almost ready and having sampled it I can see it’s going to be really special.
Rebecca I., Chandler AZ –
I ordered these scboy’s about three months ago as I was just beginning
my first batch brew. They arrived happy and healthy, and I’ve been brewing
with them since. Each time they make great new baby scobys. I also really
appreciate they came with starter liquid. A friend of mine is just
beginning to get into brewing, and I insisted he order his first scoby’s
from Kombucha Kamp!
Ashley Bommarito (Mount Clemens, MI) –
Can’t say enough positive things about Kombucha Kamp. I purchased two Kombucha SCOBYs about a month ago and have been so happy with the results. Brewing has turned into a family hobby. The SCOBYs I received were so healthy they’ve created plenty of offspring that are now blessing our friends and family. My daughter tells everyone about the process we have to make our booch and she loves drinking it. I love celebrating this time with our family, creating healthy brews for our healthy lifestyle. I love Kombucha Kamp and I highly recommend this purchase to anyone!
Don Ayers –
We are enjoying our kombucha. This is the second time my wife and I have purchased scobys from you folks, and once again we are very pleased with what we received. I very much liked the tea blend that you so graciously shared, it is delicious. Thank you. From our hearts and our guts.
Sally Eckert (Eagle River AK) –
I’m very happy with the two SCOBY I received, though. They were quite lively, and I am brewing some wonderful tea and coffee kombucha! I wasn’t sure whether I’d like the coffee one, but I love it.
Dan N (Valparaiso, IN) –
SCOBYS are super healthy Tripled in size after a month. Very pleased
Donna Dean (Yellville AR) –
Purchased 2 kombucha cultures a couple months ago. They were perfect.
Big, fat and healthy … and ready to go to work. After a couple weeks put
them together in the same gallon jug. They have been working together since. I like to use about 3/4 of the kombucha tea each week now and leave the rest for the next batch. That way the tea is nice in 7 days.
Carol Thomas (Big Lake, AK) –
I received my SCOBYs about 2 weeks before the oak barrel arrived. I was concerned about keeping them "safe" until the vessel came. Ne need to worry. They were well packaged, didn’t leak any starter liquid, and have done a wonderful job forming the new SCOBY. The brew is great. We love it!
Linda Howell (Somerville Tn.) –
I received two beautiful and alive scobies with my cb system and was delighted that they didn’t boil away and die in upper 90 degree temps. They have thrived from the beginning. Very happy with my new found happy hobby.
Britt W. (Coral Springs, FL) –
Scoby’s were big and healthy, plenty of starter liquid. First batch tasted amazing! Thankyou for all your help and support. I have recommended this site to all of my friends.
Susan K (Dickinson, TX) –
After spending $$$$$$ on store-bought kombucha, my massage therapist talked me into making some home-made. Everywhere I looked online for info lead me to Heather and Kombucha Kamp. I took the plunge with 2 scobies and haven’t looked back since. Shipping was super fast, the scobies are huge & healthy, and following Hannah’s very clear & concise instructions has resulted in multiple batches of really good kombucha. My husband & I think it’s far better than store-bought. I have started a second brewing vessel so batches can be staggered so we are never without. If you’re going to brew kombucha do yourself a favor and start things out right with Kombucha Kamp scobies and instructions. By the way, the 2nd original scoby went to my massage therapist who is also brewing incredible batches.
Tobey T (OKC, OK) –
I received these as a gift for Mother’s Day after unsuccessfully trying to grow my own. These SCOBYs were so thick and healthy looking I was sure they would produce some amazing booch…and I was right. I’m 2 months in and each batch gets better and better and it’s almost time to separate the babies. I feel 110% satisfied with these, and Hannah was so sweet and helpful to my boyfriend who called to see about expediting shipping. The love is evident in these SCOBYs – thanks Hannah! I will highly recommend you to everyone I know 😊
Teresa Duckett –
I ordered these, one for my sister and ine for myself several weeks ago. I just got mine brewing this past weekend. The scoby was perfect. Any questions I had, were replied to very quickly. I am very impressed with all the resources, videos, etc…, that they have. Thanks for all your help, as I’m a newbie to the kombucha scene.
dixiedld – Atmore, AL –
My first SCOBY purchase was a single. I have since purchased ‘double SCOBY’s’ to begin continuous brew systems so we can have enough tea for every day consumption. I have also purchased the white peony tea and cotton muslin bags for brewing the tea. If you are interested in Kombucha Tea, Kombucha Kamp is the place to go!
Rick Adams –
I received my cultures quickly and with a nice surprise gift as well. They worked great and I am brewing double batches at a time! I recommend these folks 200% !!
Demetria D (Los Angeles) –
Let me start out by stating I am one not to write reviews, having said that, I purchased (2) Kombucha Cultures in Feb 2015, I was terribly nervous about starting this process, however, from start to finish it has been an amazing experience. Received shipment promptly, healthy cultures, detailed instructions on how to start a batch, had a question an received a prompt response. Great products, great customer service…I love the notes that you receive with your orders. Lastly KT tastes awesome, sharing with friends, can’t seem to keep enough around. Hannah Thank you so much 🙂
Ellen We (BC, Canada) –
The service was amazing, fast, and friendly. My SCOBYs are very happy and making lots of babies.
David Jackson –
My first batch using your healthy SCOBY worked like a charm. Day 7 was a little sweet. Day 9 perfection! DELICIOUS. OMG.
Kim –
I am so impressed with Kombucha Kamp’s products. They arrive shortly after I order them and the SCOBYs are are always in great shape!
Laurieann MacKenzie (Bethel CT) –
I recently purchased 2 scobys from you and I’m soooooo happy. My first scoby was a dehydrated one, and after 2 months I wasn’t finding all the good stuff I’ve seen on your FB page, like babies forming. The booch was okay but I was finding store bought tasted better. That is, until I got my two scobys from you!!! One week in and I had babies, and the taste was sooooo much better than store bought!!! Needless to say, I’m a happy brewer!!! The two scobys from you were just beautiful!
Melissa T (Florida) –
WE did alot of research before picking a scoby to start our own brew. And that paid off. This is a qaulity product from a person that cares about her product and customers. This will be the only place I order things like this from. I want to try water kefir next. I have a four year old son that has diabetes and it is so hard to say no to the special things in life we enjoy like pop. And with this product I don’t have to worry about his sugar spiking and he loves it because its special pop for him without all the chemical sugars on the market. Thanks Again.
Julie J. (Idyllwild CA) –
My previous scobys had gotten mold and I panicked, Hannah was very informative and I ordered my new scobys from here. Within minutes I received a shipping confirmation email and my lovely scobys arrived the very next day and was ready to be brewed the next night. I will always order my kombucha supplies from Kombucha Kamp!
Caitlin Stewart –
I love receiving boxes from Kombucha Kamp. Products are packed with love. I just made 2 batches and I can’t wait to rack them. The instructions that came with the scobies were detailed and easy to follow. This is an incredible company and I love everything about it.
Rita Prahl Minnesota –
Just purchase 2 more mothers I can’t keep enough booch with just one 2.5 brewer have to start 2 more gallon jars.Great service great product.
Li J. Redondo Beach –
I got two scoby, one I used for myself, and one use for my family. One was successful and another one was somehow failed. However, when I ask questions, they always answer back offering support. And I also appreciated very much when I request to send a piece of replacement, they did it right away without difficulty. And I finally was able to get a new batch of healthy brew, and on the go now. So I am very happy for the great Quality customer service they stand behind customer.
Carol Vineyard (Bremerton WA) –
Very pleased with every order and product and the help with any and all questions I have had. Thank you for quality products and service.
Bonny. (Cadiz KY) –
The scobies arrived very healthy and we have had good results.
Meghan –
The SCOBYs came with my no-frills kit. They were packaged separately, not both in the same bag, which seemed to keep them from jostling around with each other. They looked uniformly cream-colored with yeast strands, very healthy. Within hours of putting them in my starter tea, the brewer gave off a lovely yeasty aroma. Very nice job shipping healthy SCOBYs to me in the dead of winter!
Melissa England (Seattle) –
BEST SCOBIES EVER!! Within 24 hours my scobies took over my kombucha brew and grew! Highest quality and the customer service ROCKS! Thank you for your excellent products!
Steve Foix –
I bought 2 very nice cultures double sealed so that I could kick start my Kombucha habit into high gear. The cultures were excellent and sealed in very heavy plastic so there was no leakage and were a nice size. They arrived quickly after I bought them and were quickly put into a 2 gallon container with tea to start a new home. A very good place to buy your Kombucha supplies. Thanks for the great service Hannah!
Erin –
Purchase arrived quickly. Packaged really well. Came with a sample of Hannah’s special tea blend. Can’t wait to get brewing.
John M. –
I came here after trying a dehydrated scoby because it was well cheap. What a mistake I never was able to get it to brew properly or be healthy. i brew 2 gallons at a time so I bought 2 form here. I have been very pleased with the results. I get a good batch every 7-10 days and I always have a fresh scoby. Heck now my friends are starting to brew their own Kombucha from scobies that they get from me! Thanks for providing a great product.
Tom in SC –
The Scobys arrived safely, yesterday. I made the tea today and it is now resting comfortably! Your packaging was excellent! Thanks! Fasssst shipping across the US of A!
Jennifer L (Saint Louis, MO) –
These SCOBYs were packaged beautifully and produced a wonderful Kombucha. I originally made a batch from a SCOBY purchased from a different website and the differences in the quality and packaging were quite obvious even to a newbie like me. In addition the directions included were much more detailed than the instructions I received from the other website.
John Dizek –
I started brewing Kombucha years back and had a continuous brewer (2.5gal)but I had stopped and recently wanted to start up again. I mailed away to a couple of sites for cultures and they were what I had expected. Fortunately for me I found KombuchaKamp and ordered 2 cultures a few weeks ago and a flexible heater. My first batch has come out great and I’m very happy with the heater. I’ve subsequently ordered some other products and have talked to Hannah(who actually answered the phone) and she was so nice and helpful. Needless to say I’m back into the swing of things and even have gotten my daughter (28yrs old) into Kombucha! Thanks, Hannah and keep up the good work!!
Mariken –
Fast helpful and even a little extra stuff. so glad I found this site.
Janet –
I ordered my scobies before a long holiday weekend and they were stuck in the Post Office for several days. I was worried but they worked perfectly the first time (and every time after that). I also really appreciated the free sample of tea. Thanks so much!
Sharon, (Wilburton, OK) –
I purchased the scobys they are doing Great I now have a scoby hotel for the exras. I do appreciate the help to get things off to a good start.
Johnny Kay –
I got my first two mothers back in January and I couldn’t wait to get them in the brewer. I put on the Zen Garden CD and started on my KT journey… the SCOBY’s were beautiful and more than enough KT starter.
Kristen (Saline, MI) –
This is the second time I have ordered Scobys from Kombucha Kamp. My first Scoby lasted many months, and made many babies. Unfortunately I made a mistake that lead to fruit flies getting into, and ruining my kombucha. I ordered 2 more Scobys, and I’m back to making great kombucha. Thank you for GREAT scobys that arrive quickly!
Delores Baker (Nicholson , Pa) –
Just wanted to say thank you so much for all your help. Our scobies are growing wonderfully and Kombucha is tasting great!
Marion Douglas –
I am on my fourth batch of my continuous brewing and couldn’t be happier. Not only are my little scobies working non-stop for me, each time I get stuck, concerned, or have a question, Hannah gets back to me the same day with an answer. It has made my journey into this new field both joyful and successful. Thank you for all you help and for the very informative camp you put on for us. I didn’t know I was suppose to stir the brew before decanting it into bottles. That really helped!
Leslie (South Carolina) –
I was so excited to receive my SCOBY’s in the mail! They were perfect & 10 days later our whole family was drinking our first batch of homemade Kombucha!! Thanks for a wonderful reliable product!
Amy D –
I just wanted to say that we LOVE our Kombucha that we have made w/ your SCOBY. In fact, my kids love the Kombucha I’ve made more than the Kombucha I’ve bought at the store, so that’s a BIG win in my book!! Also, thank you so much for the step-by-step instructions & assistance you provide via emails & on your website. It truly has helped me as I attempted to make & flavor my 1st few batches!!!
Thank you again for wonderful products!!
Erin –
I assumed that any kombucha I made myself would not be as good as what I could buy at the store. Wrong! The kombucha I made from these SCOBYs was the best I’ve ever had. So glad I found this site!
Lynne D (Maine) –
The package of two SCOBY mothers came perfectly packaged and in the correct amount of starter liquid. I really was unsure what to expect of SCOBY the first time. But, I knew immediately that the KK SCOBY was of great quality and size. You will be off to a fantastic start if you use KK’s SCOBY to brew your Kombucha.
Mark Schenkman (Arlington VA) –
These are excellent cultures. When used with the starter liquid they come packed in and a few squeezes of the concentrate they started to grow very quickly. The 2 SCOBYs are the perfect amount for the 2.5 gallon continuous brew vessel. It took only 8 days from delivery to my door to delivery to my stomach. With a product that can go bad prompt customer service is important and Kombucha Kamp delivered.
Carrie, Bellingham, Washington –
I love my kombucha mothers!!!!
Everything was mailed timely and came ready to go.
There is no one around here that I could find to get a SCOBY
and was hesitant in ordering one online and having
it go through whatever process would happen in the
mail but it all went very well and I’m in KT heaven.
I’m doing continous brew this time and I really like it.
The information support is wonderful. I feel like confident
and that I have someone knowledgeable to ask questions, etc.
Thanks so much for being there!!!
Linda Baca,Overland Park KS –
I have received two orders of scoby’s from you (one as a gift one for me!) and was successful in brewing my kombucha from the very first brew. The delievery was very prompt! Thank you.
Reyna R –
After failing miserably with a culture I bought elsewhere, I found Kombucha Kamp and purchased the double culture with not as high expectation. Boy was I surprised! I started out with brewing a batch method and a separate continuous batch method. Yes, it did take a while to get it to the right consistency, but it turned out awesome! After a couple of months of having these guys, the "new" SCOBY is HUGE and gorgeous looking. Thanks :0)
Katrina M (Abbotsford, BC Canada) –
When the cultures arrived, I saw the package size and figured that they were the same size as the little one (@ 3" in diameter) that I had purchased from a different source a few years ago. (That one served me for many moons before I was struck with the dreaded mould.) Then I opened the package and WOWZERS!! That was pretty exciting to see a culture which had obviously been grown in a gallon-size jar! I tasted my kombucha this morning and yum yum yum! My children will be so excited 🙂 Thanks for what you do, Hannah! You make it very easy and straightforward. You truly do rock!
Kay H., Detroit Michigan –
I am loving my Kombucha! I’d give it a 5-star rating. Thank you for your high quality SCOBY and valuable guides. I’m loving the second decanting process; but I’m finding myself snitching before it is ready.
Stacy –
Excellent SCOBYs! They fermented like champs. The order was well packaged and arrived surprisingly fast.
K McIntee (Tiffin, Iowa) –
I would like to thank you for the quick response to my order for new scobies. My new brew is humming away on my counter top and having two large brewing pots has kept my husband and I well supplied more quickly now that summer has arrived. Great service and quality of scobies. thank you!
Sherry –
The scabies arrived quickly and in great shape. Three months later my continuous brew is going strong and I need to get in there to take half of my now giant scoby family’ and start a scoby hotel.
Great culture
Great komboucha
Carlene Goodnight (Mansfield, TX) –
The Scobys arrived very quickly–I was impressed. I am now making my second batch of Kombucha. The first batch came out very good after 10 days. I may let this one brew a little longer for more of a tart taste. Hannah has been very helpful on three separate occasions when I have called with questions. Thanks so much!
kristine (machesney park, IL) –
Great scobies! I’ve been using them for months. My kids LOVE the kombucha.
Aneta Lundquist –
I started my relationship with Kombucha kamp couple of months ago. I was truly amazed how fast Hannahs responded for any of my questions or concerns. First I purchased a phone call with Hannah and the info she provided was "top shelf". I really mean it. This women is incredible!!! Any way, I decided to try the Kombucha Kamp scoby and this was also 100% positive experience. I got my scobys 2days from purchasing dade. They were beautiful and looked super healthy. I loved detailed instruction attached to my package. Now, Im about to harvest 4th batch and flavor gets better and bette with every brew. Exactly how she described in manual. Great job Kombucha Kamp!!!
Maureen Hartson (Owosso MI) –
Very active, healthy scoby. Reproduced in about 7 days. Would definitely purchase again.
Paul Gillette –
I just recently bought 4 more SCOBY’s for my two Continuous Brewers… For various reasons I have had to start brewing over & again with new cultures & I have been impressed with the strength of the SCOBY’s that I have received each time! My experience has been very consistant…
Crystal (Holland, MA) –
I had ordered a SCOBY, my first, from another well known source online and Hannah’s SCOBY is by far better…larger in diameter and thicker! It also shipped very quickly, was very excited to receive this in the mail so I could start my continuous brewing!
Joaquin (Covina, CA) –
I am very happy with the new Kombuchu mushrooms, and the new directions. They are faster and easier to do. No boiling for minutes here and then more with sugar etc. So you deserve, or that is the Kambuchu deserves the 5 stars. I mentioned before that I started making and using the Kombuchu tea in 1986 and haven’t stopped since. I get complimented on my health, ( no medical problems period, no meds of any sort) and asked often what is it that does this for me. well, it is the Kombuchu tea, and my glass of red wine daily that also helps. Just turned 80 years old April 4th, and went Salsa Dancing, got winded a little but so did the other people dancing their a…. off. Thanks again for the mushrooms I needed
Norma (NY) –
I received my cultures in record time and loved the kombucha they produced.
Sherry Baun –
First and foremost I want to thank you for the help you have give me. You have been so polite and nice that I wouldn’t think twice about calling on you for help.Unlike other places that don’t tell you the truth about what they are selling. You sell great cultures that make GREAT Kombucha from the start. I don’t have to read a 2 page letter just to try to find out how to make Kombucha. Some sellers try to make you think it is hard, only if you buy there 3 1/2 inch test tubes with a culture the size of a dime. Thanks for being Honest and showing people what they get for the money. I will make sure to tell people where to get their SCOBY from. I will get any of my supplies from you when it comes to making my Kombucha.
Julia Siporin –
I went on a few traveling adventures and forgot to add tea to my Scoby Hotel. Sadly, they all dried up. So, after buying commercially made KT at $3+ a pop, it was time to get over my shame and start anew. Fresh forgiving scobies and Hannahs’Blend made the best ever KT; I’d forgotten how much better my home brew tastes. Thank you, MAMA!
Bruce Giammattei –
I started continuous brewing in a 2 1/2 gallon glass vessel with a plastic spigit. In the last month the kombucha has found it’s happy place and I’m enjoying 1 1/2 gallons of kombucha a week. I did many things wrong early on. I carried my brewer to the sink to bottle(solved when I bought a stand). I washed my bottles in the dishwasher with everything else (now I run it without soap but on the sanitize setting with just the bottles). All things Hanna suggest worked. The other thing that helped greatly was instead of bottling 8 16 oz bottles at a time every 5 days or so I do 4 16 oz bottles at a time 3 times a week. Monday night, Wednesday night and Saturday morning. The more regular feeding is what really got me where I am today. I am finally getting bubbles in my bouch!! Thanks Hanna for the great products and the wonderful guidance.
Marjorie Ford –
Great value for the price!! I have tried other websites/methods for starting my kombucha with no success. I ordered the 2 scoby pack (shared one with my daughter). They were well packaged & healthy scoby. Including the starter tea & good instructions, we were making kombucha in no time.
I was also amazing at how quickly the products shipped out. Great job Kombucha Kamp!!!
Sandy B, North Branch, MI –
I purchased one scoby and started a batch of KT but killed my scoby. Purchased 2 more scobies did one gallon batch bottled that today, 2 bottles with raspberries and 3 with strawberry puree looking forward to tasting them in few days. Also stated 2 more batches of KT. Thank Hannah for all your help.
Mark –
I have ordered SCOBY cultures from three sites including this one, by a landslide the two cultures I got for K Kamp were super healthy large beautiful cultures I’ve ever seen, thank you, thank you!
C.S.G. –
I’ve bought multiple SCOBYs from Kombucha Kamp, and all have produced excellent kombucha with healthy babies. I’ve been able to share the love by giving friends these baby SCOBYs to start their own K.T. It’s a wonderful feeling. Thankee, KK!
Kathleen Predmore (Yucaipa, Ca.) –
I purchased the complete package, with crock, stand, heater, teas, testers etc.
My two scabies were absolutely wonderful! I put one in the continuous brew and one in a gal jar. It was cold here so I put the heater on the con. Brew. Using Hannah’s special tea and making it just so. It was wonderful. Thanks Hannah!
PennTy E –
I ordered 2 scobys and a heater band after a month of unsuccessfully trying to brew kt with a scoby purchased in a health food store that was the size of a quarter.
The scobys from Kombucha Kamp were large and the kt started to brew right away. I could see the new scoby developing on the top of the tea after only one day!
I am on my third batch of kt and it tastes better than the store bought.
I am experimenting with the double fermentation process and that is very interesting experimenting with different flavors. Grape and blueberry are my favorites right now. Thank you so much for the healthy scobys you sent me.
MaryAnn –
Late last year, I made a decision that I wanted to brew my own kombucha since I find it absolutely necessary to help my digestion. I found a website that sold dehydrated scoby cultures and I ordered from them, at the time having no idea that I could actually order a fresh culture from this site. I ordered the dehydrated scoby from that other company, followed all the instructions to rehydrate and brew my first batch of kombucha and it was all a miserable failure. The scoby seemed totally dead. I was so disappointed! And had wasted two months using that dead thing. Then, I heard a radio broadcast between Hannah and Sean Croxton. I found out about this wonderful company and website and was thrilled to discover so many great kombucha brewing tips, supplies, and help! I wasted no time in ordering two scobys. I received them in excellent condition and immediately put one to start brewing and stored the second one just in case I did something wrong. I had success the very first time around! I am SO please with all of Kombucha Kamp’s products. They are of the finest quality and I feel that this company is very conscientious about their products and what they are offering to people crazy in love with making their own kombucha. Thank you! Thank you!! I am so grateful!
Tammy Henderson –
At first we didn’t think we needed two to start but so glad we did. Our first batch was very successful. The scoby is so healthy looking and has now been transitioned to our first hotel. Our toddler thinks it’s very cool when we peek in on it to say hello 🙂
Evie Light –
Thank you so much for your quick reply. I bottled my Kombucha for a second ferment and it’s looking great! So glad I didn’t just throw it all out! Keep up the great work at kombucha kamp!
Amanda Youmans (Sunnyside, NY) –
Thank you Hannah!! Much appreciated! The scobys I got last week are beautiful! I wasn’t storing my old ones properly- it’s great to start fresh with such a good product. I’m excited to get my continuous brew on! Seems so much easier!
MaryAnn Akers (East Peoria, IL) –
Snowing here. Too complicated. Need fresh booch!
Last 2 orders – 5 stars!!!! – arrived intact and in good timing. Recipients are W-I-L-D about having their own source of Delish Booch-Hooch.
Thanks, Hannah!
Swikmo (Payson, AZ) –
After purchasing a couple scobies and starter mix with hanna’s special tea blend from Kombucha Kamp, I set up a CB with it and made the best KT I have ever tasted with it! I now have a scoby hotel & am bottling every couple days.The raw KT off the tap is awesome but now after bottling with Ginger,Lemon & Blueberries I have a great variety of flavoring that I love but I think Blueberry now is my favorite.Hanna & Kombucha Kamp run a great service and I look forward to doing business with them again soon!
Jennifer (Roseville, Ca) –
I love my scoby’s that I ordered from KK! They are so nice and thick, arrive quickly, and are packaged very well. Within 24 hours of adding one of these scobys to my new KT brew, I can already see evidence that things are off to a good start. Many of my friends have been unsuccessful in brewing KT as a result of using poor Scoby’s, but with my KK scoby’s, I am proud to say that my batches have all been very successful!
Thanks KK for your quality products
Tom Jones –
Bought 2 scobys and they have made about 50 bottles of Kombucha. I have both of them setup in a continious brew system and am getting 12 bottles a day and growing. Great product
JohnnyK –
So far so good, I managed my first batch and had a ball doing it. Not quite the punch I thought initially, but I now have the ‘feel’ for what it is I want in the end product, and seem to be able to manage things, by bottling more from my homemade CB, letting it sit overnite to strengthen the remaining solution, then adding another gallon of feeder about 1:1. so far so good! Service and website has been fantastic. Very pleased!
Jodi Alvarez –
Thanks so much for the quick delivery and great customer service! This was my first time brewing Kombucha and I did a lot of research but still had questions. Hannah answered all of my questions. The Scoby were great created beautiful babies and wonderful tea! Made a second brew of the first batch and had lavender black tea, black berry ginger and raspberry ginger. Good stuff thanks again!!!
xtychristina –
I am so pleased with my scoby’s. I originally bought a dehydrated one from another web site and was getting a weak tea and my little think scoby never made a baby after 3 batches. I have almost finished my first batch with this healthy fat scoby and it has already made a baby and shows all signs of producing a wonderful tea. Thank you!
Patti (Fair Grove, Mo.) –
Hannah, these are some large healthy Cultures, They went crazy growing as soon as I started my continuous brewer in Nov this year. I’m new at brewing Kombucha but from all I have read (and it’s a lot) these are doing GREAT!! Thanks for caring enough to use only the best to grow them!
K. Naquin (Port Orange, FL) –
Love my new SCOBY babies! They arrived quickly and were packaged well with plenty of awesome starter booch. They were also bigger and thicker than I was expecting. I used them in my new Continuous Brewer and they are now big and completely covering the vessel. My first batch of Kombucha was great! I’m so happy these were not the dehydrated SCOBYs that take forever to reanimate!
Yvette (Washington, GA) –
Your scobys are sooo strong -and pretty to boot! They have been performing well since I bought them in November. I set-up two continuous brewers and made wonderful fermented sodas. This week, I havested a new scoby from one of the brewers and set-up a batch brew to make more sodas. Wonderful products that have brought delight to these dark days of winter – thanks!
Wendy M (NC) –
Great quality scoby’s! Fast shipping and great packaging. I used one in my first batch of KT and one’s sitting happily in my scoby hotel for future use 🙂
Georgette (Pennsylvania) –
High quality Scobys whenever and wherever you need them…fast delievery (and free to boot :)….great customer service….what else could a girl want? Thank you so much Hanna for the work that you do. Namaste…..
Tim G –
Purchased the 2 scoby kit. They were viable right out of the package. By the 2nd batch of Bucha, they were both churning away. Already have 2 babies growing atop the mommas. Im doing an oolong batch and a jasmine green tea batch (which I highly recommend) and both taste wonderful.
Marcia Emmanuel –
Just to let you know four days ago i tasted my first self brewed kombucha, and alloyed some person who is used to drinking kombucha to taste and give the verdict, she said i got a plus, i now have to make for them, my work mates also want’s to perchast kombucha, cheers to you K.Mamma and thanks for encouraging others.
I’ll take a sip now cheers……Blessings
Lyn Estores (Newtown, CT) –
Our SCOBYs have arrived!
Three days from the day we ordered them, that is FAST!
They’re already hard at work, brewing organic sweet tea.
Thank you again for our beautiful, healthy Kombucha
Dawn Hall –
I have been thrilled with all my purchases from Kombucha Kamp. I loved the scobies I got from Hannah. It was such a high quality purchase. I have recommended that so many people come and buy from here. These scobies have produced over and over for me and have even produced several very large babies which I have been able to give away. Thrilled with my purchase.
Daniel W (Colorado) –
This was an AMAZING experience! I received my scoby quickly and in great packaging. I love the extra personalization of hand signing the invoice and making me feel connected to the website and this community. I was already excited to start brewing my own kombucha, but now I’m even more excited. The price is VERY reasonable. I had already tried (and failed!) to grow my own and this is proving to be much more what I had anticipated. I am almost ready to try my first batch and cannot wait to try it and share with all my friends :D"
Penny S (Springdale, WA) –
As always the Scobys are fresh and happy. Received the order very timely. Thanks
Trudi Cook (Bath, NY) –
I am very impressed by the level of service offered by Kombucha Kamp – the SCOBYs arrived quickly and performed as expected, and the wealth of information provided to a beginner is amazing! I’ve been up and running for about a month, with confidence, after reading through the e-books and website comments and more. I looked at another site just out of curiosity, read through comments and was responding in my mind to them, “No, don’t refrigerate the SCOBY!” and “If you’d read KK info, you’d know that it’s normal for a SCOBY to look like that” and “No, don’t use cheesecloth…fruit flies can get in!” And it’s true what Hannah says – after a bit, you’ll just know by the taste – and mine tastes great! I’m using a blend of green and black tea, and flavoring with either a couple raspberries or some white grape/peach juice. (For me, the hardest part has been collecting enough glass bottles to put the KB in. When I see someone drinking purchased tea in a glass bottle, I can barely wait for them to finish to claim the bottle, lol.) Thanks, Hannah, for giving me what I needed to get started!
Sharon N (Soldotna, AK) –
Very pleased!
Marietta Bricker, DeFuniak Springs, FL –
Two SCOBIES came with my complete brewing system. I was amazed at how large they were (and a little scared, too). I did not want to kill these beautiful babies. Nevertheless, I put one in my brewer (the other in a hotel)and in almost no time, the SCOBY had grown to fit the brewer! It is beautiful! The KT has been delicious! This little baby keeps producing and producing and multiplying itself! My husband and I are enjoying the KT. Because we drank so much of the KT, I started a single batch brewer to have more KT available to drink and to share. Your big beautiful babies are the best! Thanks!
Melissa (Anaheim, CA) –
I have ordered four Scobys from Hannah now and they are absolutely beautiful and so healthy. My KT brewing has been very easy thanks to her easy to use and high quality kits. I am so glad I didn’t mess around with the dehydrated Scobys or trying to grow my own.
Laurie M. Florida –
I would like to thank you Hanna, for the 2 Scobies I recieved! The arived quickly and in excellent condition. I am now on my second brew and husband and I have enjoyed drinking our Kombucha and today will be bottling again for second ferment. The tea blend sample you sent made for excelent KT and I will be purchasing your tea soon! My scobies are getting big and fat. Thanks for the beginers instructions, so easy to follow
Margaret Bailey –
Kombucha Kamp is great. I love their products. The customer service is also wonderful. I’ve bought two scobys, tea, bottle tops, and they have been great.
Jenni H (Lincoln, NE) –
I loved the scobys. I used them both in my first batch. They were healthy and not difficult to use.
Patricia Smith (Columbus, OH) –
I got 2 full sized perfect looking scoby in starter liquid. I made a two gallon container of KT and it was ready and delicious in 7 days!
Mawana (TX) –
I purchased the complete 2 scoby kit and was well pleased. In this short time I now have 5 new scobies and 3 gallons of raspberry kombucha. I strained the liquid off, cleaned the jars and rebottled it. Everything turned out great. You rushed me my scobies when ordered and the kit was as ordered and it did the job promised! I since have started more.
Pleased in Texas!
Michaela Kornfeld (Olympia, WA) –
If you want to impressed loved ones get the Kombucha-Kamp Scoby and Tea blend. I created my own version of Scoby by mixing and experimenting. While I had a great time tasting my "sharp & edgy" Kombucha I spooked my loved ones. So take it from me, get your Scoby and Tea blend here. It is delicious, my friends LOVE it!
Cheryl S –
Kombucha Cultures. I have never brewed my own KT. so I searched until I came to the right place for me to start my Kombucha journey. If it had not been for Hannah Crums personal touch, I may not have arrived. I was going out of town and I asked if Hannah could hold my culture so that it would not be sitting in the hot sun during the summer and she was glad to oblige. This let me feel good in my purchase that all would be fine. As soon as I got home I immediately began to brew my tea. I am now on my second brew from this wonderful SCOBY culture. Thank you Hannah for your personal customer service and great products. To our Health. Namaste
Suzette L. (Arizona) –
As a new brewer, I was really concerned with having a scoby mailed to me. He arrived in great shape and producing additional scoby faster than I ever imagined. I never expected that in three short months, that I’d already have five new scoby’s in my hotel. Did I mention that scoby thrive off Hanna’s Special Blend?
Debbie (Lawrence, KS) –
The SCOBYs that come with the "No Frills" package work beautifully. I was concerned
about buying them but for no reason. They work just like they are supposed to. When I received them they looked so healthy.
Terry Moreno Valley, CA –
I believe Hannah and her sisters are as adept as Jerry Buss when it comes to developing an excellent product that performs and delivers above and beyond. My scobies are doing very well, very little maintenance is needed. I call it SCOBY Bryant. thanks a bunch.
Tami Schneider (TRF, MN) –
A healthy SCOBY is important in making a great batch of kombucha. The delivery was quick, both SCOBIES in great condition. Great work on your end. Thanks.
Lito Cortez –
Bought 2 very healthy SCOBY few weeks ago, I have no problem making my first batch and already got to taste my own KT, and now i’m going to expand my continuous brewing. thank you Hanna.
Jo-Ann –
Hi. Do not normally review items, but must review this one. Great looking scobies, great size, well packaged. Love Hannah’s tea blend. Produced clear babies and those babies have already produced more babies. Trustworthy seller.. KUDOS Hannah
Danielle Denhardt –
I’m not a patient person… there was NO WAY I was gonna wait around for my own SCOBYs to grow. Thank goodness for Hannah! The SCOBYs I received are a beautiful creamy color and were packed in their own bit of starter liquid. I love that they’re labeled with the package date!
Kris Reisdorf (Fredericksburg, VA) –
The SCOBYs were in great shape, and were shipped fast in very good packaging. The instructions were easy to read and I had no problems starting my brews. They should be don in a week and I am super-excited to start drinking my own home-made kombucha! I will not be shopping anywhere else for my ‘buch brewing needs. Thank you soooo much!!!!!
Linda (Maine) –
Years ago I bought a SCOBY on line. I had a poor experience and didn’t pursue Kombucha. Recently I came across Kombucha Kamp. It sounded good so I figured why not!! I ordered the 2 Kombucha Culture. One was to give to a friend. Everything about this experience has been superb. My SCOBY is ‘propagating’. I drink Kombucha every day. I am now starting to play with different flavors and different tea combinations. If you are looking to start making Kombucha, this is the place to go.
Paula R (Jersey City, NJ) –
I have been very happy with the two SCOBYs I got. They look beautiful and super healthy. The kombucha it makes is delicious.
Sharon Fan –
The cultures looked healthy and robust when they came and still are today. I can tell they come from a happy place!
Cindy S(Sioux Falls, SD) –
Healthy Scobies and they were delivered FAST! Very happy with the products. First batch tasted yummy!
Cindy White –
I was so pleased to receive my beautiful, clean, healthy scoby. The website videos and online brewing guide I ordered could not have been more helpful getting me started. I just finished bottling my third batch of Kombucha, and I am hooked! So much better than store bought. I’m having so much fun that I’m now looking into continuous brewing system, as I can’t seem to keep up with requests from friends and co-workers for a bottle of brew! Thank you so much, Hannah.
Deborah –
Got my first batch bottled and well on my way to more goodness! Thanks for the support and abundant information, it has given me confidence in trying something new!
Michael (ND) –
In the past I use to grow my own SCOBY from a bottle of kombucha which no longer works since there huge recall. So I wanted to start making Kombucha again and did not have any friends around that could bless me with a Scoby. I did not like the idea of buying online from a person I did not know or there sanitation practices but after time and research I had a good feeling from ordering from Hannah. I was pleasantly blessed with a HUGE clean and healthy scoby from her. I never had such a thick, white healthy scoby from my own grown scoby.My kombucha taste so good, when I use to make kombucha the batch method with out a heater I use to like the store bought more then my home brew, I just could never get it right now I LOVE my home brew SO much more then the store! Thanks KKamp for wonderful products!
Lori J (Perris, CA) –
Thank you so much for my shipment and my free gifts! I am already brewing my first batch of kombucha :). You have wonderful customer service!
Cynthia Fertal (PA) –
Quality products easily shine above the rest… and that’s what you have Hannah… quality products! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and expertise as well as your fabulous SCOBYs. Your little babys are the most playful I have ever worked with! They are so alive with energy and growth, and are consistantly producing the best Kombucha Tea ever!
Thank you too, Kevin Gianni for recommending Hannah and her Kombucha Kamp site. I am so glad I followed your suggestion.
Continued success Hannah! Now let’s see… what else can I get from KK 😉
Kate M –
I started my cb about 2 mos ago and now have 2 cb systems to keep up with my consumption. I absolutely love it. I have lost weight, people tell me I’m glowing, my skin and dry scalp have cleared and my mood has improved. I love caring for my scoby and it never stops giving back to me!
Jessica (Philadelphia, PA) –
I got these SCOBYs as part of a CB system and they are wonderful! I had previously gotten a SCOBY for free from someone and it was moldy – such a waste of time. But these are producing great tasting kombucha and no mold in site! I’m actually looking forward to trimming time.
Kim Lico (Thousand Oaks, CA) –
I received two beautiful scobys that made some delicious tea right off the bat and formed two new scobys for me to put in my scoby hotel. I will definately buy my Kombucha necessities from Kombucha Kamp from now on as they have been so helpful and the customer service has been great!
Kari I (Langdon, ND) –
These SCOBYs are awesome! I bought mine last summer and I have brewing ever since. I have grown so many additional SCOBYs. I am so glad I purchased these cultures – thank you!
L. McLean –
I wanted to make the ginger flavored Kombucha that I buy at the health food store. I bot a couple of SCOBYs and tea and the ginger flavoring and my Booch tastes just like the store bot but is much cheaper.
Alex (Los Angeles) –
It works! I had tried to grow my own scoby for a couple months from GT bottles, but had to finally give up. I bought two cultures for my continuous brewing system, and within 12 days I had real kombucha. It’s been a month now and my scoby is a couple inches thick and I’m producing KT by the gallon. Thank you again for all the feedback and help. Really appreciate it.
Sean F –
Love this site. Been brewing the booch for a couple years now and had to get some fresh scobys. It was a no brainer as to where I had to get them. I even have a jazz trio called Kombucha lol!!!
Deb Cofield –
Hi Hanna, Thank you for taking the time to discuss my purchase and the expected delivery date with me. Since I was going to visit my niece in Chicago, I wanted to surprise her by getting her set up making her own Kombucha! The Scoby did arrive in 2 days as you predicted. Her first batch was ready within 5 days! I’ve started flavoring my booch with red raspberries and banannas! It’s so good!
Thanks again for the great Scoby’s. Just Bottling along here in Buffalo MN.
Lowene W. –
These Kombucha Cultures are working well. We like the Kombucha made from these cultures better than store bought.
Patti Johnson (Lawrence, KS) –
I rec’d the two beautiful SCOBYs with my CB system. They worked wonderfully and continue to work to this day (a few months after I made my first CB batch of KT)! They helped to produce a beautiful baby SCOBY of my very own which continues to thrive in my CB vessel. You definitely need to have these perfect SCOBYs to start your KT adventure! High recommend!
robin sturm –
I am new to kombucha and did a lot of research prior to making my first batch. I purchased the 2 scoby pack here and was amazed how quickly it came. The instructions and support are great. I am doing the continuous brew method and started in a large crock, like the ones Hannah sells here. (already had one of my own). Buying the 2 scoby’s and starting out with a large batch has been perfect as we are a family of 5 and want plenty of kombucha to go around.
My very first batch was delicious and we are now on roung #2, which by the way is going to be ready quicker than the first! SO good! I am thankful for the knowledge and support that Hannah offers through her site as well as her quick response if you email her with a question, (which I did).
Randy –
I’m a relative newcomer to the amazing world of Kombucha. I did a huge amount of research before deciding to make it myself. First I was foolish and bought a cheap kit off Amazon and boy was it disappointing. The SCOBY was old and just a small chunk. The batch molded after 12 days of no baby. Then I ordered this 2 pack from K Kamp and these are of the highest quality for sure! I’ve already made 2 gallons, shared the baby SCOBYs with friends, and 2 more gallons are almost done. I couldn’t rate this product any higher, I’m super satisfied.
Cathy (CA) –
I was nervous about this kombucha making, but everything worked out like you said, and my husband and I now drink fresh brooch everyday from our continuous brew. Thank you so much!
Melanie Comito (Mineola, NY) –
Included in my No-Frills Continuous-Brew Kit were 2 SCOBY cultures with strong starter liquid. It was wonderful to have this to start my first batch of kombucha. Well, they did a great job and have been producing fantastic kombucha – happy in their continuous brew home. No waiting to grow my own or reconstitute a dehydrated SCOBY. This made it so easy! I’m loving my delicious kombucha! Thank you!
Mary Campbell –
Very high quality. I have purchased several scobys from different resources and the two I got from KombuchaKamp are by far the best. They arrived quickly, made baby scobys immediately, the kombucha tastes great – they are work horses.
Regina from Kansas –
The SCOBYs I received were plump and big and packed in a potent Kombucha brew just right for slipping into my continuous brew crock. I had an excellent result with them. Highly recommend!
KrisB –
As a brand-new home brewer I did TONS of research but ultimately took a leap of faith when deciding where to get a scoby. Decided to get two – just in case I did something wrong. Been brewing for a few weeks… now on brew three and it just keeps getting better and better! Love my scobys and all the support I receive through Kombucha Kamp. Thanks Kombucha Mamma for sharing your passion and spreading the love!
Connie Boucher (Super Simple Wellness) –
Hanna’s scobys and customer service are the BEST!! Don’t waste your time or money going anywhere else.
Roger Bissell –
Got 2 new Scott with my continuous brew system. Great results. Better than my hand me downs. Thanks
nancy de groote-België –
After just only one week i had my 2 scobys and i live in Belgium, verry big and looking amazing.I made my thé and after not one day i had lot of air bubbels,now 4 days later its formed a big thick new baby scoby, i can’t wait almost til Friday than its 7 days for botteling.
Thanks hannah for my beautiful and fast delivery!
A. Jones (Anch. AK) –
I’m already drinking my first batch of Kombucha from the SCOBY you sent! It’s so good. The SCOBY are so healthy and ready to work! I was a little concerned about ordering this time of year (December) since I live in Alaska and the temperatures have been below zero. But I had them sent to my work place instead of my home address where they would wait on the porch and freeze. They arrived in perfect shape. These are high quality and a good price. You guys are great to deal with, and have so many helpful hints. Thanks! Cheers!
Tom C, Lakeland FL –
Not only was the shipping great and fast, my two scoby’s produced a beautiful baby in my 2 gallon container – and WOW – does this taste better than store bought KT! Thanks Hannah!
Ronda –
I was very nervous starting my own brew. I ordered 2 scobys from Hannah after reading everywhere you need to get the best to make the best. OMG my brew is amazing–srsly I can testify that we have 2 grown children who drive 4 miles out of their way daily en route to work to stop by for their tea. I flavor it to their liking and it’s a huge hit. They have both been drinking it just over 2 weeks and are addicted.
The scoby I received from Hannah were perfect and so healthy. I just felt I had to name them LOL–now I have Bertha and Beatrice and Bertha had a baby already oh how fun. I have a new hobby and lovin it to pieces…TY Hannah and Alex
Tanya Cameron –
Hannah is wonderful! I had ordered two scobys and sugar but when I got my package there was only sugar in it. I waited a few days to call Hannah thinking the scobys were in another package. When I did call Hannah to alert her that I had not received the scobys she said it wasn’t a problem she would get them right out. Then I bought a new iPad and was unable to transfer my handbook, emailed Hannah and she sent me another link. I don’t think you can find better customer service any where. Thank you Hannah for always being there to help.
Terri Savoie, Navarre Beach, FL –
I love my SCOBY’s! They came in their own little package and looked very nice and healthy. After 7 days, the taste of the Kombucha was proof they were doing their job! The best thing about purchasing from Kombucha Kamp is the education on the SCOBY’s. Thanks Hannah!
Alexander –
Recently purchased two SCOBY mommas, which shipped and were delivered within a few days. Great quality product to produce the quality KT I expected. I will continue purchasing from Hannah ( if I need more SCOBYs in the future.
Arleta –
The scobys I received were awesome. I’m making some wonderful kt now! Thanks
Thomas Presley –
I went for the WHOLE ENCHILADA & bought the deluxe kit. Great choice. The two SCOBY’S that came with the kit were (can I say beautiful)! Started a fresh batch (got two going now) and put the other up in a 5 star HOTEL! Thanks Hannah.
Martha Gesmundo –
All of the scoby that I have received from Hannah have made making my kombucha a cinch. My husband loves to have it around the kitchen and because I have invested in two 2.5 gallon ceramic brewing containers and it is our preferred choice of drink now that we have discontinued drinking those sugary fruit juices. Interestingly after we decided to quit drinking fruit juices we found ourselves drinking more wine and liquor than we had ever before in our 42 years of marriage. Shortly after I discovered kombucha at our coop store in Kalamazoo. One thing led to another and after we found Hannah’s website and all the wonderful info and materials she offers we decided to give it a go and have been delighted ever since (and has cut down our overall alcohol consumption. My wish come true. Lastly, when my batches went too tarty-sweety Hannah helped me out with her considerable wealth of scoby knowledge and know-how. Thank you dear Hannah.
Ashley Baker –
I originally purchased a SCOBY December last year and loved it. Unfortunately A few weeks ago a fruit fly had gotten into my container while I was making a new batch and I had to start over. I recommend getting the 2 SCOBY kit and starting a SOCBY hotel ASAP. Don’t let yourself go without being able to brew wonderful kombucha!
Paul G. (Logan, Utah –
New SCOBY’s almost immediately created a nice creamy white & THICK new SCOBY at the top of my Continuous brewer! They are very healthy!
Irene –
My sister and I are having a Kombutcha party this weekend. I timed my brewing/decanting/bottling for her and my 84 year old mother’s arrival. We’re having SO much fun, drinking KT, brewing tea, refilling my CB and making batches for them to take home to brew. 2 months ago, I was gifted a Scoby, some starter liquid and a gallon jar from a friend. I did hours of research and then ordered my supplies from Hannah. Of all the sites available for information and sales, I keep coming back to Kombucha Kamp. I love the support, tips and Kommunity.
ps. fruit fly trap works fabulously!
c saagim (graham, WA) –
I absolutely love the scoby’s I received. Thank you so very much for an awesome product.
Tina Johnson (Portland, OR) –
Just a quick note to say thanks for the new scoby and tea. My kombucha has never tasted better! I do continuous brew, and it’s amazing. I’ve also started to add ginger at the end, and the fizz if perfect! You’re a genious! THANK YOU!!!!
C.A.Speer (Beverly Hills, CA) –
Kombucha is the perfect alternative to sugary sodas – which I had a hard time NOT drinking. Now, when drinking my own home brew, I feel as if I’m doing something wonderful for my body, instead of polluting it with those "not-so-good" things. AND…I absolutely LOVE the taste of the regular kombucha as well as my flavored ones. Hannah is providing an excellent service to help with our health!
carrie s –
I have 1 batch carbonating now and another ready tmrw to carbonate. I am so excited
Mark –
2 very large scobys and very sour liquid. we brewed up 2 gallons in no time. it was delicious and sparkly and cheap. thanks Hannah!
bruce kitchell –
hanna does an excellent job of her presentations and i would highly recamend her to people who seek out an honest person who cares about the product she sells i was very happy with my order.
Angela –
The scobys are very lovely, and our Kombucha turned out great.
Lyndsey S (Loveland,Colo) –
I have to say that the KK scoby’s are hands down amazing. The KK scobys were both huge (large pickle jar sized)
and now when i brew my scoby’s are close to the size of a small frisbee because they cover the surface of the continuous brewer that I bought. I have loved watching them grow and develop a loving energizing drink. I would recommend anyone and everyone to Hannah, because she is so knowledgeable about KT and her products are generally AMAZING!!!
Brent, San Diego –
I had no idea what they should look like but I can say for sure that these things did a GOOD job. We had a vrey robust looking growth going very quickly and a lot of great tasting Kombucha soon after. Hannah explained to use both cultures as each one is for a gallon. Overall great product.
Julie H –
Customer service has been excellent. I struggled with my first batch of CB but Hannah helped me figure out what the problem was. Started over with some fresh SCOBYs and just bottled our first successful batch from the CB method. Topped it off a few days ago and already have brew that’s ready to drink. Yay! Thanks!
Sonja Hunsaker (Escondido,Calif.) –
When I first ordered my Continuous Brew system I assumed the SCOBY from Hannah would be just like others that I had purchased or received from friends. Boy was I wrong. The SCOBYs from Hannah were, in a word, robust, producing wonderful kombucha the first batch. I shared some with a teacher friend at work and she now wants to stop buying the stuff from the grocery store and make her own.
Brad B. (Washington, D.C.) –
Fast! That’s the best word. They got here fast, they grew fast, they made my kombucha fast. These were big cultures too. Love the free shipping of course. Thanks Hanna
Tony Minyon –
Outstanding. Grew fast & strong with a more full bodied flavor than those grown from JTs Enlightened. Thanks Hannah!
Heather –
I can’t imagine getting cultures any better than what Hannah sent me. I bought 2 for a 2.5 gallon brewer and they looked really healthy and were packaged really well – professionally. Hannah clearly has been working hard to organize her business well. I am drinking now from my first batch, thanks to Hannah. After 8 days, my brew is slightly vinegary, though not offensively so, just a little more than I would prefer. It should be an easy fix based on Hannah’s guide as I learn to tweak the brew time and temperature.
Toby Rey –
The two scoby cultures I received were very healthy. Packaged in starter liquid they were easy to add to my first batch of brew. They’ve taken very well to their new home and are now busily brewing batch after batch of ‘bootch. Thanks Hannah!
Paul G. (Pocatello, Idaho) –
The SCOBY’s that I purchased from KK made all the difference in the world to my brewing success & the taste of my Kombucha. Hanna is the best & her customer service is excellent. The SCOBY I was working with was weak & the healthy thick SCOBY’s I bought from KK are no comparison & I have learned so much in the process becasue of all Hannah’s supporting material & information. The Kombucha Kamp Website is the best!
Jessica R. –
I couldnt be happier with these SCOBYs. Every batch of Kombucha has been so tasty and so fabulous. I love this web site and all of its supplies. I feel very lucky to have stumbled upon it. Thanks Hannah!
Annette –
Thank you so much. Fast and great response to my phone call. We are thrilled to see the new scoby forming. Thank you for excellent service and a great product.
Sharelyn Dietz –
I bought 2 SCOBIES and started 2 different 1 gallon batches. I just did some bottling last night for the 1st time after patiently waiting 2 weeks. It turned out so well!
Jenny Leeds –
I appreciated the quick customer service answers even before I bought a culture. I love your attitude and videos and your culture arrived quickly and no problems. The kambucha is delicious and your recipe is the best to follow. I got some tea blend too and really enjoy it. Thanks!
Joanne R –
Very good customer service. I love the quality of the scobys and the no nonsense get it taken care of right away attitude on the shipping problem I had. The best place I have found to get Kombucha products!
Mark Bender –
These are big mothers that brewed up quickly a tasty batch of the booch. No question I’m glad we ordered them and they got here quickly and in great condition.
Dana P. (Utah) –
The SCOBY’s I got were big & thick. Everything went as directed and it was only 8 days till my first brew was ready. EXCELLENT
Barry G (Oceanside, NY) –
I never saw a Kombucha before these arrived but they look big to me…..huge u might say even if you compare them to the ones I’ve grown since I started brewing. I liked the fast delivery and I even tracked the shipment. My wife thinks I’m crazy.
Josh P (Los Angeles) –
"The highest quality Kombucha Cultures available." I would have to agree although this was my first time brewing KT. No need to go anywhere else for Scobys. Hannah has them and will ship them quickly to you. Compared to other much slower and cheaper methods of growing a scoby, these scobys will get your brew bubbling much quicker than anything else that is store bought. I put 2 of these scobys in a 2.5 Gallon continuous brewer, several batches and 1 month later I had a giant baby scoby that was 3x the size of the original. Plus you can create more scobys with these two and can make as many as you can handle caring for. Thanks!
Josh Bobbitt –
I just wanted to say that I just cracked open my first batch of kombucha, made from the SCOBY I bought from you, and it was DELICIOUS. Your site kicks ass, thanks for all the good work!