When it comes to brewing Kombucha, there are a lot of vessel choices. But in almost all cases, what the vessel is made of will not affect the taste. However when it comes to brewing in an Oak Barrel, taste is one of the great advantages. The complex, rich layers of flavor that form in a well fermented Oak Barrel Kombucha brew are divine.
But don’t take my word for it, my friend Bryan started a brand in Minnesota made entirely in charred Oak Barrels, so he knows better than anyone how great Oak Barrel Kombucha is. Take it away Bryan!
My Oak Barrel Kombucha Journey By Bryan Deane Bertsch
My wife and I began drinking kombucha in about 2003. I am a Taoist meditation instructor and energy healer, so what we do for our bodies is very important. I was especially fascinated that it was a living, raw beverage.

Although I had never tried brewing anything at the time, I was called to give this a try. Kombucha was quickly becoming an important staple in my diet.
To this day it gives me a great energy boost (without a crash), helps my digestion and makes me feel relaxed. Plus it’s a great treat – something I always look forward to.
My first vessel was a 2.5 gallon ceramic crock with a spigot. After brewing in a few different style vessels, I started to have inklings about going commercial.
And right about that time I heard about oak barrel brewing and ordered a 5 gallon oak barrel.
Getting My First Barrel
Rather than place the barrel on its side, as is typical for wine or beer in an oak barrel, this one was made to stand up and down. A hole is cut at the top, and a plastic spigot inserted towards the bottom. Again, keeping the process simple.
I was a bit concerned about how the toasted oak would affect kombucha flavor, and decided to bottle my first batch as “Original,” rather than add any fruit flavorings. Before I even bottled the kombucha I drank some straight out of the barrel. The taste was divine! I could not have been more pleased.

The kombucha took to oak very well, and why not? It’s dark, the oak is breathable, and it’s all natural. It makes sense, really. In addition, the bacteria and yeast can penetrate the inside layer of the oak, helping to seal it with itself.
Kombucha Oak Flavor Becomes My Favorite
I was still using other vessels of porcelain and glass, so I was able to taste the three versions side by side for several months. All three worked well, but I kept noticing the softness of the oak batches. Plus the charred inside added a wonderful complex flavor, with hints of vanilla and earth. Oak also led to a much more consistent brew. I attribute that to the fact that as it saturates the wood over time, the bacteria and yeast can really feel at home.
When I went commercial in 2010 there was no doubt I would continue using oak. Even using the same lineage of SCOBY, following the same recipe, we are unable to match the taste that we create at Deane’s in the Oak when using any other vessel. We are convinced it is the oak.
For anyone committed to brewing kombucha, I highly recommend using charred oak barrels. It is a bit of an investment up front, but the taste can’t be beat, the bacteria and yeast love the oak, and maintenance is simple.
Bryan Deane Bertsch is an interfaith minister, Taoist meditation coach & energy healer, and owner and brewmaster of Deane’s Kombucha in St. Paul, MN. Deane’s brews traditional, ‘full strength’ kombucha. He still has his 5 gallon oak barrel in use at home, serving as a SCOBY hotel, not to mention it serves as a great conversation starter in the kitchen.
More Oak Barrel Tips From The Kombucha Mamma
Bryan is right that the yeast and bacteria love the oak – the SCOBY will even grow right into the sides of the barrel! Don’t worry, you can just pull it off the sides, no harm.
Once the wood is completely saturated, the well fermented liquid will help prevent mold. However, it is true that the barrel requires a little extra care.
One thing we do not recommend is leaving the barrel only half or one quarter full. If you do this, it is likely that mold will grow on the inside, above the liquid.

This is because the wood itself has natural sugars present, and when the sweet tea soaks into the staves, there is no very sour Kombucha (liquid with a low pH) to prevent mold spores from settling in for lunch.
In breweries and wineries, the high alcohol content is naturally antimicrobial. In lieu of a high ethanol content, Kombucha boasts a low pH and organic acids that are also antimicrobial. By keeping the barrel full of Kombucha at all times, mold can be avoided.
Mold Is Fixable
That said, if mold does happen, no worries! While it is true that you must throw away all the contents of the barrel (Kombucha and SCOBY) to prevent mold from happening again the next batch, you do NOT have to throw away the barrel!
You will have to scrub away the mold and rinse well. Then use barrel sanitizing tablets like these to reset the vessel, and you can start again with SCOBYs and liquid from your SCOBY Hotel.
The “living” nature of the Oak barrel vessel lends great flavor but requires a bit more work. That makes it an excellent choice for the dedicated brewer, or anyone that loves the flavor of oak and the look of a rustic wood barrel sitting right on the counter! 🙂
Do you brew in oak barrels?
What has your experience been like?
Comment below!
My wife and I began drinking kombucha in about 2003. I am a Taoist meditation instructor and energy healer, so what we do for our bodies is very important. I was especially fascinated that it was a living, raw beverage.
Duc Võ Manh
June 3, 2019 at 8:01 pmIf using Oak Charred Barrel, how many days Kombucha should be in it for best flavor? Should kombucha be fermented at first or second time?
Hannah Crum
August 27, 2019 at 11:16 amYou can do a primary fermentation or secondary fermentation in the oak barrel. The flavor is smooth and lightly smoky with hints of vanilla and spice. Give one of our barrels a try!
Theresa Murray
February 13, 2018 at 2:53 pmO my goodness, I just read that you shouldn’t let your oak barrel dry out. I have one from the states that I brought back and used it for a year before I cleaned it out and have let it sit for a week. What do I do now? I hope it’s not ruined, please help! Thankyou, Theresa
Hannah Crum
June 28, 2019 at 3:12 pmSoak it with water and barrel tablets. Try to keep the staves and rings in place as they can shift when dry. The goal is for the barrel to reseal. Hope it works out!
Dirk Kunze
July 30, 2017 at 11:26 amBeen thinking of switching to CB and oak. Have done some reading and it sounds like you could loose some of the earlier higher ph bacteria from your colony, as the starting ph never reaches that of the batch method. Sounds like souring and a much faster turn over could be a result of a domination of lower ph bacteria like acetobacter. Please comment on above and also can one use oak in a batch method where you draw off say 90% and then refill we sweet tea. Seems like oak is only associated with CB meathod.
Thanks, Dirk.
Hannah Crum
June 15, 2018 at 10:14 amThere is a lot of misinformation about CB floating around on the web. Here is our most recent article on Continuous Brewing –> https://www.kombuchakamp.com/kombucha-continuous-brew-vs-batch-brew-explained We’d advise against leaving 10% as it will quickly throw the brew out of balance and lead to off flavors and too much yeast. The most we advise removing at one time is 2/3
June 12, 2017 at 4:48 pmHi!!
It sounds amazing! I have a question regarding temperature, i understand kombucha has to around 70 F, how can you keep the barrel warm, or is this not necessary??
Hannah Crum
May 17, 2018 at 10:25 amIdeal temperature for brewing Kombucha is 75F-85F with 80F being the sweet spot. We have several heater options available to keep the barrels warm –> https://www.kombuchakamp.com/how-to-keep-kombucha-warm-heating-mats-pads
May 8, 2017 at 9:25 amBrilliant! Thanks Bryan for sharing.. I am just a year into my home brewing but have had friends start to ask me to bottle for them! A local vegan restaurant even asked me to consider being their kombucha brewmaster. I am inspired by your story and will check out your site. Thank you Kombucha Camp! I want to keep on learning and experimenting but mostly loving my kombucha…
March 21, 2014 at 7:46 amI’m also interested in how often the oak barrels have to be cleaned. How do you clean it?
Hannah Crum
March 23, 2014 at 6:22 pmOak Barrels, like other CB vessels, are cleaned once every 3-6 months depending on flavor and how often it is used. When you notice your brew turns too tart, too quickly, that’s the sign it is time to go in and clean everything out. To clean it, simply remove the cultures and liquid. Give it a good rinse with water & 1 cup of vinegar – don’t let it dry out! Then trim the culture and refill the vessel with SCOBY, starter & sweet tea. All of the steps of the CB process are covered in the Complete Handbook and our video series – EZ Upkeep Vids.
October 23, 2020 at 11:21 amWhat kind of vinegar do you use to clean the vessel?
Hannah Crum
February 20, 2021 at 9:36 amDistilled white vinegar
February 23, 2013 at 7:14 pmWhere does one purchase a charred oak barrel for making Kombucha? Thank You.
Hannah Crum
February 25, 2013 at 12:45 pmWe have them available for purchase! They will be launched on the site in March but you can order them now. We will drop you an email with the details.
June 16, 2013 at 7:34 amHow much are the charred oak barrels? What size are they?
Hannah Crum
June 19, 2013 at 8:27 amWe have two sizes 10 L & 20L and will PM you with the details. Anyone else who is interested in the barrel may contact us directly at 424-245-5867 or at customerservice (at) kombuchakamp [dot] com
August 19, 2011 at 1:07 pmI was wondering how difficult you find cleaning the barrels? I was looking to get a small 2.5 gal but am worried will be tough. How often do you clean them?
July 7, 2011 at 4:29 amYes, when I started brewing I realized oak was the only way to go. I just need to get everything rolling well so I can switch over & save up some $ to make the purchase. Also I have to find a supplier for the right kind of oak barrel. Have a KT buddy in KC & she has access to a brewer supply… Think I will try there today. Thanks for the post!
May 6, 2011 at 7:52 amHi Deane,
I’m very curious about oak barrel brewing and I have plan to buy oak barel, maybe 5 gallon for the starter.