A Bun In The Oven & A SCOBY In The Jar?
Hospital or home delivery? Co-sleep or crib? All natural or anesthesia?
When did having a baby become so complicated?
And yet, when a woman gets pregnant for the first time, anxieties often rise sky high. Some fears are well founded, while others revolve around confusion or misinformation meant to squeeze money from expectant parents.
Sophisticated media messages have made legitimate concerns nearly indistinguishable from profit-driven half truths.
Over the years, many women have shared with me their experiences drinking Kombucha while pregnant, with passionate opinions registered in both the “Pro” and “Con” camps.
When facebook fan & group member Nicole asked, “Is kombucha safe to drink when nursing or pregnant?”, I went back to those same facebook group folks for a poll of real KT drinking mothers. Then I set out to take apart this issue from a practical standpoint. As we are finding more and more, body knowledge is once again key to this decision.
Rite of Passage
At the risk of stating the obvious, pregnancy is a profoundly personal experience. The woman’s body undergoes a tremendous physiological transformation as she becomes a vessel for a new life growing inside her. Hormones cause dramatic changes; bones soften to allow for passage through the pelvis, senses are on high alert and appetites increase in response to additional nutritional needs.
Despite the wonders of Western medicine, when the sacred rite of birth is taken out of the hands of women who have passed this knowledge down for millennia and placed solely in the hands of modern medical mechanics, a dangerous “wisdom gap” develops. Thankfully, it is not gone forever, and many are striving to learn the old ways and unite them with modern practices to great results.
Several websites preach abstinence and fear in regards to Kombucha and pregnancy for a variety of reasons. Ironically, some of the most common benefits claimed by regular drinkers of Kombucha match up with ailments that afflict pregnant women including low energy, constipation, and hemorrhoids.
Still, when it comes to something this important, all viewpoints must be considered and explored. Let’s take a look at some of the common concerns cited and see how they hold up.
Concerns to Consider
1. “Kombucha is fermented and fermented foods are unsafe for pregnant women.”

Zimbabwean children consume fermented foods as young as 4-6 months to ease the weaning process.
Fermentation has been around as long as humans have existed on earth. We are walking bags of bacteria.
Cultures from all over the world have understood that fermented foods are healthy despite current medical trends that foster fear of all bacteria. In the Western world, we have lost our connection to this cultural legacy. Old traditions were discarded in order to fit in to the American way of life which preaches better living through chemistry. Sadly, oftentimes the side effects of modern medications are even worse than their natural counterparts.
97% of women who participated in a study conducted in rural Africa use fermented foods to protect their infants from bacterial contamination during the weaning process which can start as young as 4 months. Without the fear-mongering of for-profit Western medicine hanging over their heads, they have continued the traditional practices of their ancestors with success.
2. “Kombucha contains alcohol (.3-2.5%*) and if alcohol is consumed during pregnancy, the child will get Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.”
Alcohol has been mankind’s friend since time immemorial. In moderate quantities, it has been shown in numerous studies to have a tonic effect on the body, benefiting bone density, lowering cholesterol, and balancing mood (most notably when you knock one back on lunch break). Despite these studies, the fear drum is continually being pounded with the message that consumption of even the smallest quantity of alcohol during pregnancy will cause great harm to the fetus.

“Breastfeeding prolongs the time in which the mother’s body helps protect the baby from illness.”
According to the La Leche article “Anatomy of a Working Breast”:
“The level of alcohol in the milk drops as a mother’s blood levels drop. It takes two to three hours for a 120-pound woman to eliminate from her body the amount of alcohol found in a single glass of wine or beer. When the alcohol is eliminated from her blood, it is also gone from her milk. ”
A meta analysis of the scientific literature shows that moderate consumption of alcohol does not increase the risk of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.
*Alcohol is a natural by-product of the fermentation process. The amount varies based on several factors.
3. “Women shouldn’t start a detoxification program while pregnant because the toxins released in her body will be passed to the child through the breast milk.”
It is generally advised that during pregnancy, the focus ought to be on nutrition rather than detoxification. But what does “detox” mean? Isn’t it good to want to get rid of toxins to help the baby?
Detox is a natural process that occurs on a nightly basis. The organs are able to rest and release the gunk that has been built up. That is why upon arising, there is a need to purge. This process can be aided by the addition of specific herbs to support the organs of elimination (liver, kidneys, intestines, spleen, colon, uterus). Women detox every month with the shedding of their uterine lining. However, when the womb is occupied, best to give it the fuel it needs to grow a healthy baby.
In terms of nursing, Cleansingsite.com says, “The breasts are not eliminative channels so the Body Intelligence would never allow the source for baby food to become a cleansing channel, especially if a baby was nurturing on the breasts.”
On this same topic, the La Leche article states:
“In the first days after birth, there are gaps between the lactocytes, the cells that line the alveoli and either block or allow substances to enter. These gaps mean that substances pass rather freely into the milk in the first days of life. After a few days, the gaps close. From then on, it is harder for substances to cross the barrier between the blood and the milk.”
4. “Giving probiotics to an infant will interfere with the natural development of their immune system.”
I have to laugh out loud when I hear this argument. For what is an immunization other than a medical interference of the development of the immune system, presumably to protect the infant from contracting a disease or death. The United States is an increasingly toxic place to live. Now more than ever before, probiotic, living and whole foods are needed to counteract the auto-immune diseases, allergies and behavioral disorders that are the direct result of all this pollution.
5. “Caffeine consumption ought to be limited during pregnancy.”
According to the Organization of Teratology (study of birth defects) Information Specialists, consuming caffeine during pregnancy is okay in moderation (200mg per day). This warning from the FDA stems from research done in the 1980’s which showed that high doses of caffeine cause birth defects in rodents. Kombucha generally contains around 3-12mg of caffeine per 4oz serving.
Physiology of Pregnancy
When I was pregnant, I would get headaches and the only thing that helped them was a glass of KT and a cal-mag supplement.” – FB fan Sarah Faith Hodges
Kombucha can also help with some of the most common ailments that arise from pregnancy. The symptoms listed below are caused by the influx of hormones released that prepare the body for childbirth. Many of the physiological side effects of being pregnant can be assuaged by consuming Kombucha.
- Constipation, Heartburn and Indigestion – While pregnant, the esophagus relaxes, leading to an increase in heartburn. Digestive muscles also relax resulting in less peristaltic movements; that contribute to constipation. Kombucha is a well known remedy for constipation, indigestion, heartburn and other digestive issues. Drinking small amounts of KT in a large glass of water not only passes on the health benefits of the Kombucha but hydrates the body as well.
- Fatigue, Sleep Problems – Feelings of fatigue are normal. The body expends much energy supporting the growing child. Kombucha boosts energy without the crash and burn cycle of caffeine, all while delivering microdoses of B-vitamins.
- Hemorrhoids – Increased blood flow causes the veins to expand. Couple that with constipation and pressure from the uterus and pop goes the hemorrhoids. Make your own Kombucha suppositories to heal hemorrhoids
- Stretch Marks, Skin Changes – Skin is an amazing organ. It stretches to accommodate the growing baby. Applying Kombucha cultures topically can be effective at minmizing lines.
- Leg Cramps – Due to shifts in how much calcium is used by the body, cramping may occur. Drinking KT with calcium supplements increases the amount of calcium absorbable by the body. Adding crushed eggshells to KT will mellow the flavor and increase carbonation as well.
All things considered, for me, the answer to this question is Yes, Kombucha tea is safe to drink while pregnant or nursing – but there are caveats. Many women have consumed Kombucha both while pregnant and when nursing and have received many benefits. There are also those who choose to abstain and also those for whom their body sends a very strong signal that it should not be consumed at all while they are with child.
Since I’ve not experienced pregnancy myself, I turned to my readers to share their thoughts.
The Reader’s Speak
The poll question on facebook was “Did you drink KT while you were pregnant?” There were 24 responses (see them for yourself here and share your answer while you’re there).
“No and won’t until I’m done breastfeeding.” – Holly Bechiri
The most common reasons cited for not drinking Kombucha during pregnancy have been outlined above. For some women, this choice makes the most sense. In the end, if uncertainty remains, then abstinence puts the mind at ease. Oftentimes Kombucha consumption recommences once the child is fully weaned.
“I used to drink Kombucha but then couldn’t stand it when I got pregnant,” – Vanessa Quednau
This reaction may seem extreme but it is the perfect example of instinct in action. Vanessa is not alone in her physical response to KT. My friend, Jenn C., confided, “I love Ginger Berry and used to drink a bottle a few times a week, but when I became pregnant, something shifted. My sense of smell became more sensitive and even just the smell of it made me gag.” It is imperative that you listen to the signals your body is sending you when making this decision. Trust your gut!
“Every day!” – Bridget Cabibi-Wilkin
Many regular consumers of Kombucha continue their habit into pregnancy and breastfeeding. Karen M @ Food Renegade posted about her experience as a regular KT drinker who made the decision to drink it during pregnancy. She offers some useful guidelines and tips including staying hydrated and drinking small amounts.
A common observation from breast feeding moms is that drinking KT increases milk supply. FB user Sarah Grace Long noted, “I drank KT during both my pregnancies, and drink it now while breastfeeding my daughter, and drank it while i was breastfeeding my son. i used to drink synergy, and now i brew it myself.” When drinking Kombucha on a regular basis, homebrewing makes the most sense for many reasons.
Caveats for Consumption
- Drink small amounts of Kombucha at a time 2-6oz.
- Increase consumption of water. Or drink Kombucha water by adding a few ounces to a glass of water.
- Listen to your body! If at anytime it doesn’t smell good or taste good to you, then don’t continue to drink it.
If you’ve never drunk Kombucha prior to being pregnant, it is generally a good idea to start with small doses and to observe how your body reacts. Those with a regular Kombucha habit can generally continue but again, listen to the signals your body is sending you. While you may decide not to consume KT during pregnancy, it is always possible to resume again once the body is ready.
May 6, 2017 at 5:54 pmI first started drinking kombucha while I was breast feeding. I didn’t experience any issues, and neither did my baby. In fact I found it energizing and I drank it daily. However, I am pregnant now with my second and the first 12 weeks I found everything about kombucha revolting. I wouldn’t touch the stuff! Now I’m in my second trimester and I’m craving it again. I drink it occasionally now.
April 15, 2015 at 11:17 amHi, I’m still slightly unsure whether or not starting to use Kombucha while breastfeeding is safe? Any advice?
Hannah Crum
April 21, 2015 at 6:35 amThere are many women who have enjoyed Kombucha while breastfeeding and have commented to me that it increased their breastmilk flow. However, every body is different. If you are enjoying the taste of the booch, then it is safe. If you find the flavor is not appealing, then your body is saying to avoid it. Trust YOUR gut!
April 29, 2014 at 12:06 pmI like what you guys are up too. This kind of clever work and exposure!
August 19, 2013 at 8:27 amI very much want to tRy kombucha tea but just found out i am pregnant. If i drink 2-6 oz the risks are minimal?
Hannah Crum
August 23, 2013 at 11:12 pmTrust YOUR gut. Only you can decide what is right for your organism.
January 19, 2013 at 11:09 pmThanks for the good information. I’ve been drinking kombucha for a couple years now and am well past any die off or detox symptoms. Because of its liver support properties, I believed, in advance of pregnancy, that it could be very beneficial for liver support. I believe some morning sickness comes from the liver dealing with all the increased hormones before the placenta takes over around 12-14 weeks. My feeling is kombucha could aid the liver in that intense first phase of pregnancy, assuming the mother is already used to consuming it, as mentioned above.
Hannah Crum
January 20, 2013 at 7:32 pmThanks for sharing your experience, Alicia =)
June 20, 2018 at 7:12 pmI found that drinking small doses of kombucha daily helped my nausea! I only had one jar of store bought mango synergy I think it was. It took me three days to get through one bottle because I was nervous. I asked my doc about it and she told me she would have to do some research on it as she had just recently heard about it. But she’s definitely pro probiotics. There’s currently a batch brewing on my kitchen counter now! I’m excited for the results as this is my first time brewing it!
Hannah Crum
June 27, 2018 at 8:26 amGlad to hear that it worked for you!
September 27, 2012 at 4:01 pmI drank large quantities of kombucha before conceiving w/ out a plan to conceive and have been drinking it throughout my pregnancy which has helped me avoid many pregnancy symptoms. I have had no aversion to it and my body seems to accept it and want it. I think listening to your own body is always a wise choice and would definitely avoid anything my body is not liking.
August 16, 2012 at 8:06 amPat,
I think the article is stating that the breast is not MEANT to be a channel for detoxification. Certainly toxins can pass into the breast milk but at this part of the article it explains why it is not beneficial to detox while breastfeeding.
June 22, 2012 at 12:05 pmKombucha detoxifies the body, and any major detox program should not be started when pregnant, but I believe if it is something you have been drinking regularly, to continue its use would not be harmful. The main thing to note is how it works in conjunction with the liver to detoxify the body. If it just released bound toxins from the tissues into the bloodstream, that might cause increased stress on your liver, and the toxins could then pass to your fetus through the placenta or breast milk. This is also what happens with heavy exercise and massage. However, a recent study on kombucha showed it increases the amount of glucaric acid, which is essential to the elimination of toxins from the bloodstream into our main eliminatory routes, urine and feces. This in affect would make your liver more efficient, and decrease the amount of toxins available to pass to your baby once you start breastfeeding. I’m 37 weeks pregnant, have been drinking my homebrew throughout, and have had a wonderful pregnancy.
Monica T Oxendine via Facebook
May 23, 2012 at 12:55 pmi am 35 weeks pregnant and i drink it…been done for hundreds of years
Stefanie Cruz via Facebook
May 23, 2012 at 11:00 amIt’s the only way I can take my liver pills. Having a friend send us a scoby because its all I want to drink!!
Wilda York
February 18, 2012 at 2:52 pmAs long as I know it has been done, I’ll definitely listen to my body. Julie, your point is well taken! It is not recommended to start drinking large quantities of kombucha while trying to conceive, pregnant or nursing. Small amounts of alcohol have been used in medicines for 1,000s of years to delivery the healthy components, and that would include medicines for pregnant women.
Tina Bray
December 8, 2011 at 6:09 pmPerhaps trace alcohol, when delivered as part of a whole naturally fermented food, is necessary for bioavailability. Thank you for sharing this information, Pat. As long as I know it has been done, I’ll definitely listen to my body. Women from cultures that rely on fermented foods do not stop eating or drinking them when they get pregnant.
Kombucha Kamp via Facebook
September 21, 2011 at 7:39 pmHi Julie, Here was the page linked in the article that talks extensively about FAS misconceptions. This is a complex issue which is why I asked mothers to weigh in on their experience while also considering many different sources of information. What’s your take on this page? https://www.alcoholproblemsandsolutions.org/fetal-alcohol-syndrome-fas/
Faithful To Jesus via Facebook
September 21, 2011 at 7:01 pmGood point, Hannah! I know there is alcohol in vinegar & it is widely used in salad dressings & pickles just to mention a few items. I realize expecting moms need to use caution to deliver a healthy baby and I am sure every one of them will take all comments into consideration when making a decision for themselves as to what to eat or not to eat. Julie, your point is well taken! Fortunately or unfortunately babies are at the mercy of the biological mother-let us all hope those moms make good choices based upon the above posts!
Kombucha Kamp via Facebook
September 19, 2011 at 11:47 amHi Julie, what’s your opinion on consuming other fermented foods during pregnancy? How about unpasteurized fruit juice, which can reach 1% alcohol? Small amounts of alcohol have been used in medicines for 1,000s of years to delivery the healthy components, and that would include medicines for pregnant women. Women from cultures that rely on fermented foods do not stop eating or drinking them when they get pregnant. Perhaps trace alcohol, when delivered as part of a whole naturally fermented food, is necessary for bioavailability.
June 11, 2011 at 9:51 amThank you for sharing this information, Pat. I agree that Kombucha ought to be consumed in small quantities while pregnant (2-6oz) followed by at least 8oz of water to aid in the flush of toxins.
Becca @ Peace, Love & Bagels
June 10, 2011 at 11:12 amThanks for this post, I was honestly just wondering about it a couple of days ago because I homebrew my kombucha and I don’t want to have to give it up when I get pregnant!! As long as I know it has been done, I’ll definitely listen to my body. I’m just glad it’s not like drinking alcohol 🙂
Angela Gann Beach via Facebook
June 8, 2011 at 8:54 amI drank Kombucha, kefir milk, and kefir water during my last pregnancy, it seemed fine for me…