In this video, Laura discusses how she saved time and money with Kombucha Kamp Continuous Brewer. Listen to Laura from Laguna Niguel, CA as she breaks down why she loves Continuous Brew!
Laura started making her own kombucha because she couldn’t afford to buy the store-bought brands. She looked online and found Kombucha Kamp, where she took a class and decided to use a larger vessel to make the kombucha. She added 25% of the kombucha into her bottles and kept 75% of the mature kombucha brew, so it only takes about five days or less to get another six or seven bottles.
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It’s the best way to make your own Kombucha. It’s all about how easy CB is, how much cleaner and safer it is, not to mention it’s fun!
But don’t forget the very first reason she gives for making her own: “I couldn’t afford to buy the store brands anymore.” That’s the best reason of all. A glass of fresh Kombucha whenever you want for about .10 cents? Sounds good! 🙂
Kombucha Continuous Brew VS Batch Brew Explained
You too can use Kombucha Kamp Continuous Brewer to “Save Money and Time” as well.
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