- Heat 4 cups of water – When water is just starting to boil, turn it off.
- Add hot water & tea bags to brewing vessel – Steep for 5-10 minutes.
- Remove tea bags – They can be reused or composted if desired.
- Add sugar and stir to dissolve – Stir in positive vibes, dreams, hopes and healing wishes.
- Fill vessel (leave 2-3 inches) with dechlorinated cold water – The cold water will bring down the temperature of the mixture quickly.
- Test the temperature with a thermometer (or your finger). – DO NOT put the SCOBY in until it is lukewarm (body temp or below).
- Add SCOBY and starter liquid. – Put the SCOBY in too soon, it dies. Wait for the right temperature.
- Cover with cloth cover and secure with a rubber band. – Tight weave cover. NO CHEESECLOTH.
- Put away in a warm, dark place. Do not disturb for 7 days. – Patience, Grasshopper.
- After 7 days, insert straw beneath the SCOBY to take a sip.
- If too tart, then next time reduce your brewing cycle.
- If too sweet, allow to brew for a few more days, checking once a day.