“How much Kombucha should I drink?”

Kombucha is a detoxifying agent, so introduction to your system can have immediate and occasionally dramatic effects. For this reason, start slowly to minimize the likelihood of a Herxheimer Reaction.


  • 4oz in the morning on an empty stomach. Follow with a glass of water.
  • If that goes well, try another 4oz serving before dinner.
  • Drinking water is critical to the cleansing of toxins. Without water, your body will reabsorb them.

Listen to your body. If you find you crave it, have some. Should you experience a healing crisis (rash, headache, depression, runs, etc.), cut back the amount you are consuming and drink more water until the reaction subsides (usually a day or two). This is rare but normal. As the toxins release into your bloodstream, they may express in these symptoms.


  • Drinking Kombucha 20 minutes prior to your meal will help to curb your appetite. Or drink it after meals to improve digestive function.
  • If you drink “too much” Kombucha, you will just pee or poo it out.
  • Consistent over-consumption can be taxing on the system so use good judgment and listen to your body!

“How long should I ferment my brew?”