Quick Continuous Brew Mini-FAQ

By changing the starting ratio from…
1 Part KT:9 Parts Starter (Batch Brew)
3 Parts KT:1 PART Starter Liquid (Continuous Brew)
…the brewing cycle is dramatically reduced (just 1-3 days to complete).

What about the Sugar?

Your colony of bacteria and yeast will be hungry and will very quickly process the small amount of sugar into mature KT.

I don’t want to take on more work.

Hey, that wasn’t a question. Anyway, CB results in less work. One example: a more streamlined bottling experience, without the need to lift your brewing vessel, clean it every week or deal with the mess afterwards.

I can customize the flavor?

Sure, just drain mature KT and add starter liquid to taste. Or for bottles, flavor as desired – no funnel, no mess!

Will I have too much Kombucha?

Not at all. Having it on tap will change your perspective. Plus, you’ll find friends, family and neighbors eyeing your Kombucha set-up with envy and maybe even helping themselves to a fresh glass.

Really? You’re telling me it’s fun?

Yes. With a straight face. It is.

I’m nervous. Is it hard?

Don’t be nervous. You have the experience of hundreds of homebrewers backing you up in the form of my detailed instructions, videos and maintenance plan. You will be guided along the way. You will save time and effort.


Alright, knock off early for the rest of the day, just don’t let the boss see you. Meet me back here tomorrow. I’ll bring the booch, we’re gonna discover the Secrets of the Brewing Process! Rock on!

☮ &  Hannah
