Darryl Edwards developed the PRIMAL PLAY METHOD to inspire children and adults to enjoy physical activity while getting healthier, fitter, and stronger.
There are many things that make up the Primal Play Method. It’s a feeling about how we live our lives. As a way of orienting yourself in the world, it is a way of understanding. It’s an exercise and movement program that’s always changing and becoming better. The experience creates a sense of community and social interaction. This is a way of rediscovering something profound, essential, and exhilarating about ourselves as human beings. It’s Darryl Edward’s passion in life.
I never knew there were so many easy ways to play. Isn’t that cool? All of it is fun.
Darryl Edwards is a former investment banking technologist turned movement coach. A physical activity, health, and play researcher, he is the founder of the Primal Play Method.
Almost two decades ago, Darryl worked as a technologist in investment banking. But a back-to-basic approach to his health helped him turn things around. As a health and movement coach, Darryl advises people on maintaining a healthy lifestyle in spite of the epidemic of obesity and other chronic lifestyle diseases.
In addition to speaking at academic & clinical conferences, health fairs, and corporate meetings, he presents keynotes & motivation throughout the world. In his April 2019 TED talk, Darryl discusses the issues with physical inactivity and why most humans dislike exercising. The talk is now viewed over a million times!
He Has Written Several Categories Books Including
The Amazon best-selling book Animal Moves teaches you how to become fitter, stronger and healthier by using the functional and primal movements of animals.
- 00:55 Sway test & the secret of bitter + sour = sweet
- 2:16 Welcome Darryl Edwards & how we know each other
- 4:04 How did you get inspired to start “Primal Play”? Darryl’s health journey
- 6:07 Taking personal responsibility for our choices = empowerment
- 7:58 Shift to personal training and helping others but something wasn’t quite right
- 9:07 Eureka moment – how to make training fun
- 10:15 What initially shifted in your life to inspire your journey forward?
- 11:43 What are some of the ways exercise positively impacts health?
- 13:28 How did you discover the benefits of movement? What are the benefits of exercise?
- 15:45 The “Trinity” of the Primal Play Method
- 17:40 Where did the “animal moves” aspect enter into your movement patterns?
- 19:19 What is the principal driver of learning in children?
- 22:34 The role of “play” in a healthy lifestyle & generating creativity
- 25:05 How to help people get into “play” who may have a physical limitation (in a wheelchair)
- 28:25 Perceived need to be perfect as the enemy of initiating play
- 33:07 What is your favorite animal move? Kangaroo jumps!
- 38:30 Creating an exercise persona – even if you’re an introvert
- 42:15 Allow the child inside to play!
- 43:11 “Animal Moves” book & fitness decks
- 44:15 “Movement Snack”
- 46:40 Normalize play
- 49:00 Where to find Darryl Edwards online & TED Talk “Why Working Out Isn’t Working Out”
- 50:00 Try an animal movement snack w Darryl & Hannah!