Hibiscus Kombucha recipes can vary, depending on whether the hibiscus plant is used in the first or second ferment. But either way you want to make it, we have a delicious and easy Hibiscus Kombucha recipe to fit your cravings. Check out the options below!
What is Hibiscus?
Hibiscus or jamaica (say huh-my-kah) is a delicious infusion of the edible hibiscus plant called Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa). Historically found in Africa and grown in warm climates across the globe, the ruby hued dried petals are high in vitamin C and have been prized by many cultures for centuries.
In Jamaica and parts of Central America, the petals are steeped along with a mixture of ginger, cloves and other spices. Sugar is often added to sweeten the tangy bite. And it’s occasionally spiked with rum!

Use the Hibiscus Spice recipe at the end of this post to make your own Jamaican Spiced Kombucha Kocktail using your favorite spirit.
Hibiscus Kombucha Benefits
Hibiscus is naturally high in antioxidants which are vital to human health. Several studies have been conducted on humans and animals showing that hibiscus may also help lower blood pressure, detoxify the liver as well as help maintain a healthy weight.
Hibiscus – Is it a Tea or Tisane?
When brewing at home, the rule is to always use real tea when making Kombucha. That means the Camellia sinensis plant, picked and processed in a variety of styles, which we know as black teas, green teas, and white teas, to name just a few.
Hibiscus is a tisane, not from the tea plant. Even though many may refer to them as “herbal tea,” tisanes are simply herbs, flowers, or other plants. When making Kombucha, it is recommended that they be used for flavoring in the second ferment only, after removing the SCOBY and starter liquid from the completed brew. This is to prevent oils or other elements present in the tisanes from affecting future brews.
Hibiscus in the First Ferment?
But because of its nutrient profile, hibiscus plays well with Kombucha, and can be substituted in part or entirely for tea in the first ferment, at least for a few batches before the brew loses power. That said, we never advise mixing “hibiscus SCOBYs” or starter liquid with your regular SCOBY Hotel or cultures.
Keep a separate Hotel for any flavored SCOBYs, or throw them away when the batch is done and use a fresh one from your real Hotel. Hibiscus SCOBYs may make good Kombucha for a few batches or fail quickly, but as long as you like the flavor and there is no mold, the brew is safe to drink.
However, over time, the cultures will lose power due to a lack of fuel from real tea. Experiment to find what works for you! But remember to always keep a “clean” SCOBY Hotel as back up so you always have cultures to start again if anything goes wrong.
Primary Fermentation Hibiscus Kombucha Recipe
In this version, we substitute the tea 100% for hibiscus. That said, you could also do a blend of 50/50 or whatever you want to try.
Disclaimer: This is not our favorite way to make Hibiscus Kombucha. We prefer to make a regular Kombucha base and add flavorings as normal. A number of those recipes can be found below.
We prefer that method because the flavor of a 100% hibiscus Kombucha can be very strong, and turn sour more quickly. Also it’s sometimes difficult to mix other flavors in with a full hibiscus brew, as they can be dominated.
That said, this process is popular, so we wanted to make sure you know how. 🙂 One of the fun parts of using hibiscus in primary fermentation is the pretty pink SCOBY that it forms. To make a smaller batch, cut the recipe in half and taste after 3 – 4 days.
Yield: about 1 gallon
- 1 cup dried hibiscus pieces (our 4oz bag contains about 2 cups)
- 1 cup sugar
- 1 – 2 cups kombucha starter
- 1 full size Kombucha SCOBY
- Up to 4 quarts water
- Boil one quart (4 cups) of water. We prefer to use an electric tea kettle or use a pot on the stove.
- Add 1 cup of hibiscus to the water and steep for 15 minutes. (not in the brewing vessel if possible)
- Stir in 1 cup of sugar until dissolved.
- Add 2 quarts of cold water to your brewing vessel.
- Strain the hibiscus mixture into the brewing vessel.
- Test the temperature of the liquid – it should be body temperature or below. If not, wait for it to cool.
- Add 1 full size SCOBY. It may sink or float, it doesn’t matter where it ends up in the jar, the new layer will always grow across the top.
- Pour the mature starter liquid over the SCOBY to prevent mold and quickly lower the pH of the brew.
- Cover with a breathable, tightly woven cloth cover.
- Ferment for 7-14 days until it has a sweet/sour flavor that you enjoy best.
- When it is ready, remove the SCOBYs from kombucha and place in a clean bowl.
*Note: If you intend to use the hibiscus SCOBYs for another batch, draw off 1-2 cups of Hibiscus Kombucha as starter liquid. - Pour the remaining liquid into bottles and add flavorings (if desired) and tightly cap.
- DO NOT add the hibiscus SCOBY(s) to your main Hotel. You may start a new batch of hibiscus Kombucha using the same SCOBYs, compost the hibiscus SCOBYs or, if you want to use them for future batches of hibiscus kombucha, create their own SCOBY Hotel.
Click Here for more on the standard Kombucha Recipe
The Best Hibiscus Kombucha Recipes – Adding Hibiscus In The Second Ferment
This is the more traditional way to make a hibiscus flavored Kombucha, by simply brewing your regular Booch and then flavoring to your heart’s content!
The basic hibiscus flavoring recipe below can be blended with any other flavors that inspire you. We’ve shared our 8 favorite variations below.
For these recipes we have provided both 16oz bottle (½ liter) and 1 Gallon (4 liter) measurements for each flavoring agent. The amounts of each flavor do not scale exactly as you will not need 8x as much flavor to create the same taste in a gallon of Kombucha.
Keep in mind that these are jumping off points. Increase or decrease the amounts to reach your preferred flavor.
Leave a comment with your #faveflav combination below!
General Flavoring Instructions For Each Recipe:
- Add flavor(s) to the bottle.
- Top with Kombucha.
- Seal with tight fitting cap.
- Store at room temperature (68-76F) for 2-3 days.
- Enjoy!
CLICK HERE to learn How To Flavor Kombucha
Hibiscus Kombucha Flavoring Base Recipe
16oz bottle (AMZ)
- 1 tsp dried hibiscus petals
- 2 Tbsp dried hibiscus petals
Raspberry Hibiscus Kombucha
Raspberries are a member of the rose family – no wonder they have such a deep red color!
Like many berries, they are high in vitamin C which is vital for boosting immunity and providing antioxidants.
They also have a sweet tart flavor that makes a divine pairing with hibiscus.
16oz bottle
- ½ tsp dried hibiscus petals
- 1 Tbsp raspberries (AMZ), sliced or smooshed
1 gallon
- 1 Tbsp dried hibiscus petals
- ¼ cup raspberries, sliced or smooshed
Cranberry Hibiscus Kombucha
The cranberry is naturally tart and bitter – properties that stimulate digestion and aid the process of elimination. A touch of hibiscus mellows the intensity of the cranberry and using a juice with some added sugar will help boost the fizz.
16oz bottle
- ½ tsp dried hibiscus petals
- 1 Tbsp cranberry juice (AMZ), can be sweetened
1 gallon
- 1 Tbsp dried hibiscus petals
- ¼ cup cranberry juice, can be sweetened
Blueberry Hibiscus Kombucha
High in anthocyanins, the antioxidants that impart the purplish-blue hue, blueberry booch is a pretty tasty treat. A touch of hibiscus elevates and adds depth that will leave you wanting more!
16oz bottle
- ½ tsp dried hibiscus petals
- 1 Tbsp blueberries (AMZ), sliced or smooshed
1 gallon
- 1 Tbsp dried hibiscus petals
- ¼ cup blueberries, sliced or smooshed
Strawberry Hibiscus Kombucha
Strawberry and hibiscus complement each other with their bright red color and fruity flavor. Strawberries can be sweet or naturally tangy which underscores the crisp flavor of hibiscus. This is sure to be a family favorite!
16oz bottle
- ½ tsp dried hibiscus petals
- 1 Tbsp strawberries (AMZ), diced
1 gallon
- 1 Tbsp dried hibiscus petals
- ¼ cup strawberries, diced
Hibiscus Rose Kombucha
Roses are a symbol of love and beauty. Their scent ranges from delicate to heady and just as the rose hip is high in vitamin C, so too do the petals have nutritional properties. For centuries, roses have been used to help sore throats and ease digestive distress. We prefer to use rose petals for a more subtle flavor as rose water can end up tasting like perfume.
16oz bottle
- 1 Tbsp dried rose petals
- ¾ tsp dried hibiscus
1 gallon
- ¼ cup dried rose petals
- 1 Tbsp dried hibiscus
Hibiscus Lavender Kombucha
Famous for its soothing properties and delightful scent, lavender captivates the senses while hibiscus creates a juicy undertone. The pairing yields an easy to drink booch that is perfect before bedtime.
16oz bottle
- ¼ tsp dried lavender
- ¾ tsp dried hibiscus
1 gallon
- 1 tsp dried lavender
- 1 Tbsp dried hibiscus
Hibiscus Rose Hip Kombucha
Rosehips are bright red and located at the base of the rose flower that appears after the petals drop. As acid loving plants, roses generate vitamin C and concentrate it in the hip. Traditionally rose hips were collected and used for making jelly and natural medicines to ward off colds and boost immunity. When paired with hibiscus expect a pleasantly tart and fragrant brew.
16oz bottle
- ½ tsp dried rose hips
- ½ tsp dried hibiscus
1 gallon
- 2 tsp dried rose hips
- 1 Tbsp dried hibiscus
Hibiscus JUN OR Honey Hibiscus Kombucha
Jun is Kombucha’s raw honey loving cousin. Follow the recipe above except substitute 1 cup raw honey for the 1 cup of sugar. For a lighter flavor profile, swap out the Hannah’s Special Tea Blend for the Green Goddess Tea Blend or Yin Yang Tea Blend.
Remember, Jun has a shorter fermentation time, so taste after 3 days to see how the flavor is developing.
Alternately, flavor your regular Kombucha with hibiscus and a touch of honey!
16oz bottle
- ½ tsp honey
- ½ tsp dried hibiscus petals
1 gallon
- 1 Tbsp honey
- 1 Tbsp dried hibiscus petals
Hibiscus Spice
Warm up your brew with the deep flavors of ginger, cloves, nutmeg and more with this nod to hibiscus’ Caribbean roots.
16oz bottle
- ½ tsp chai spice mix (ginger, clove, nutmeg, orange peel, cinnamon, allspice)
- ½ tsp dried hibiscus petals
1 gallon
- 1 Tbsp chai spice mix
- 1 Tbsp dried hibiscus petals
November 19, 2019 at 1:50 pmOh how I love hibiscus Kombucha! I already liked the herbal tea and when I learned it was possible to brew a 100% 1F batch of hibiscus Kombucha I was over the moon. In the past year I’ve brewed 3 (3L) batches and they’ve all been delicious. I do keep my herbal starter separate from my green starter. Thank you for your wonderful informative website!
Elaine Llewelyn
November 10, 2019 at 6:11 pmI have been brewing Kombucha for about three years now and my favorite loose tea mix is Hibiscus and Oolon, 1 tbl. each, in a loose tea ball. I have gotten all my information continuous brew tea kit from Kombucha Mamma. I always worry that I won’t be able to start a new batch but I find the Kombucha is very forgiving and very good for all my cooking as well as smoothies. I am so happy to be a Kombucha Mamma fan. Thank you