Tomorrow is the big day! Are you stocked up on Kombucha? If not, then this is your chance to set you up for success. If you are still waiting for your homebrew to be ready, then you might just want to grab a bottle or two from the store.
There are many great brands to choose from in a wide range of flavors. Select a variety of brands if you are new (or not so new!) to Kombucha so you can experience the different degrees of tanginess and tastes of our beloved brew.
Some brands are raw & unpasteurized (find those in the fridge), others are made from concentrate or may be pasteurized or sterile filtered for shelf stability. No matter which brand you choose, remember to go at your own pace.
If you are totally new, you might want to limit yourself to 4oz. Those who are more acclimated may drink 8-16oz or more per day. Typically we don’t want more than 16oz in a sitting and most find 8-12oz is plenty.
As always, Trust YOUR Gut!
See you tomorrow for the Challenge kickoff – Sign up here to join the FREE webinar at 2pm PST on Thu 7/7/22.
I’m so excited to welcome everyone and teach you the Kombucha Kamp Cheer!