The Kombucha Mamma is going LIVE with Soul Alignment Coach Mary Ellen O’Brien. Our discussion focuses on how to be more in tune with your inner guidance, how to put boundaries in place so you have more time and energy to focus on what matters, and how to build this muscle in order to achieve your current objectives (health, career, relationships, etc)!
Through her soul alignment process, Mary Ellen guides you to align with your true essence (aka your higher self & soul) to find more passion, meaning & purpose in your work and life.
Discover and fully express your soul purpose, similar to how a personal trainer helps people strengthen their physical muscles. When you’re making a difference in your well-being, there’s nothing more fulfilling. Aligning with our higher self consistently leads to everything else. Watch this video for an introduction to Mary Ellen and catch a few tips to try at home.
Do you have any questions for Mary Ellen? Put them in the comments and she’ll answer ASAP!
- [01:06] Mary Ellen’s journey to find her inner guidance and heal
- [05:03] Build that muscle! Tips for charging your spirit
- [08:54] The importance of saying no and avoiding “people-pleasing”
- [13:03] Practicing the phone battery metaphor to guide your inner self
(Want to watch the full length interview with Mary Ellen? Visit Kombucha Kamp)
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