– GT Dave

GT Dave
I am very excited to begin sharing with you, the Kombucha lovers out there, conversations I am privileged to have with some of the top people in the biz.
What fun it was to quiz GT Dave on his classic and new Kombucha formulations and when they will be hitting the market. Plus, we get into what he believes it means to participate in the “Kombucha Lifestyle,” what constitutes a “real” Kombucha, and what hopes and dreams are still in the works for the GT Synergy brand as well as GT and his relationship with health food in general.
I really enjoyed our conversation and I hope you do to.
(In case you missed it, this is a follow up to the story: GTs Original & “Enlightened” Kombucha On The Way – Will Stay Raw and “True To Ourselves”
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August 27, 2016 at 6:29 amFirst Kombucha I tried was G.T.’s from Walmart. I experienced digestive benefits so bought some supplies from KombuchaKamp. Now on my third brew and getting better each time. Supplies and customer service are top notch. So thankful to find a resource like KombuchaKamp. Hannah, thank you.
August 1, 2015 at 6:05 amDaves’s success with his kombucha is a prime example of what is supposed to be a free market system in America. That system was what brought such unheard-of prosperity in the early years of this country. Make a product and if the people want it, you have success. Stay true to your principles and those people will reward you with continued success. What our illegitimate, treasonous and criminal government is doing is interfering with that process which is our RIGHT. I have absolutely no doubt that BigFood was behind this whole witch hunt. I also foresee more interference because they got away with it. This is how BigFood and the rest of the criminal conglomerations destroy their competition and destroy all that is nutritious and beneficial to the people.
As most people realize, BigFood can put whatever they want in their products that are very harmful to those who eat or drink it–and get away with it. They have an incestuous relationship with the illegitimate and unconstitutional agencies that purport to oversee such things. In fact, they more than likely pretty much control those agencies, just as BigPharma controls FDA and CDC, both of which are entirely illegitimate and unconstitutional.
People have absolutely no idea what their rights are and what our illegitimate government is supposed to be doing. Without this knowledge, we have NO rights and the government has become a fearsome master. Such knowledge is, indeed, power. The more of us who learn these things, the more power we regain and take back our country.
February 11, 2013 at 8:21 amWhen was this recorded? I am confused, I have seen Synergy on the shelves for a long time now.
Hannah Crum
February 11, 2013 at 11:43 pmSeptember of 2010. The recall occurred in June of 2010.
Michael Walters
February 1, 2013 at 9:11 pmLove your Kombucha tried other brands but yours was the best. You kombucha got me hooked on it love it I’m making my own now. I getting great brews with Hannas advice and tips on here site. Thanks Hanna for such a great site love it and the tips you give on it.
Hannah Crum
February 12, 2013 at 12:03 amThank you for your kind words, Michael =) Glad to hear you’ve caught the Kombucha bug!
August 4, 2011 at 5:32 pmDave, Love,Love,Love your Kombucha!!! Yours is TOTALLY the BEST on the market!! I’ve got my son hooked on it also and he agrees…Yours is the BEST!!!
May 21, 2011 at 5:15 amIm a U.S.army reserve soldier serving in afganistan,Im returning home on leave soon and was curious if gt,s kombuchu has made it back on new hampshires shelves.This stuff kicks…… i hope it wasnt altered to much from its orginal formula. peace out
March 20, 2011 at 2:23 pmwhen will the original kambucha be back in stores?
Los Angeles, Rainbow acres and whole foods?
March 21, 2011 at 2:46 pm“Classic” GTs Synergy Kombucha is back on the shelves at Erewhon, Locali and other select locations in Los Angeles – check this link for a complete list of locations –
October 21, 2010 at 4:27 ami went to the store tonight with my GTs coupon and they were out! next time. thanks so much for keeping us updated.