The Continuous Brew Kombucha Brewing Method is perfect for both beginners and experienced brewers alike. Continuous Brewing is the easiest, safest and healthiest way to brew Kombucha.
It provides all the really good things in your Kombucha system in a more concentrated form. More nutritious acids, more friendly bacteria, all of it. I also think Continuous Brew Kombucha has the best taste.
- Easiest
- Everything pours out of the spigot right into your bottle of glass
- Only have to clean it once every 3-6 months
- Add more sweet tea to the top – wait a week – dispense and repeat!
- Flexible – can take a break and start up again to have delicious booch in just a few days
- Safest
- SCOBYs are always in a pH protected environment
- Reduces the risk of mold or contamination
- Less handling of the SCOBYs
- Healthiest
- Organic acids that peak later in the fermentation process are allowed to fully form
- Studies show that adding sweet tea to a later fermentation stage increases gluconic and glucuronic acid (they help w detox and supporting healthy liver function)
- Sweet tea tempers the flavor so it is still enjoyable to drink with the increased presence of the acids ie “the teaspoon of sugar that helps the medicine go down”
Just like batch brew, it’s also really easy to create unique and fun flavors. All of the fun of batch brew with less of the hassle – really a win-win-win!!
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Those who brew and drink kombucha tea regularly always have it available throughout the day in small doses. It is a LIVING BEVERAGE- a naturally carbonated, healthy tonic that has natural probiotic properties. Kombucha is good for you for a variety of reasons, and most consumers drink it daily.
There are several benefits from drinking kombucha:
- Clearer skin
- Maintain hair color
- Reduce arthritis pain
- More flexibility in your joints
- Better digestion
- Reduced stress.
Having a daily glass of kombucha tea can alleviate headaches and migraines. Get started today by making kombucha at home for pennies a glass.
Kombucha Kamp is the #1 Kombucha site in the world! Come by for Free Kombucha Recipes, How To Make Kombucha Videos, and 100% Organic Kombucha Cultures with Free Support. Kombucha Kamp
Join Susanna Kay and her delightful daughter as they tell you all about Kombucha Kamp Continuous Brew! What a wonderful thing to hear that they enjoy a glass every morning and sometimes again later that day. Small doses over time are the best way to enjoy KT!
Nutrition is the key to long-term health, and with a smiling and happy child like that, it’s clear Susanna is doing it right. Besides that, a glass of fresh Kombucha whenever you want for about .10 cents? Yeah, sounds good! 🙂