Welcome to a new feature, which we’d like to call “This Week in Kombucha News,” but we’re paranoid about putting too much pressure on the world to come up with great new Kombucha stuff every week. So, like a first date, let’s just see how this goes, okay?
– Chicago Now recommends Kombucha Kamp’s Kombucha Kit to new home brewers (woot! thanks!) and updates Chicagoans on where to get their Kombucha fix as the recall slowly fades.
– Bay Area bottlers House Kombucha navigate the choppy waters of the alcohol content recall with aplomb, which they say is possible because their Kombucha spends very little time in the bottle, thereby reducing secondary fermentation. Nice to see the recall working to someones advantage.

Rana Chang of House Kombucha
- Adam Wills of the band Bear In Heaven, cops to drinking “a lot of kombucha.” Cool. Me too dude. Who are you again? Oh, I went to their MySpace and they sound pretty good. From Brooklyn. OK, cool.
- SF Weekly previews the upcoming Eat Real Festival upon the release of the schedule. Included on the event list is Make Your Own Kombucha with Jessica Prentice of Three Stone Hearth, a worker-owned restaurant in Berkeley. If you can make it there, take a pic and send it in!
- Rudiger Schmidt, owner of Julian’s Cliffhouse Kombucha, talks about the 25-Year-Old SCOBY he likes to take with him through customs as well as his company’s progress in complying with the FDA alcohol content issues.
- Black Market Madison in Madison, WI puts together a fancy amuse bouche (is there any other kind?) topped with Kombucha marinated Craisins.