Hannah the Kombucha Mamma interviews her friend Kendra, owner of Casa de la Kombucha in Barcelona, Spain! Kendra is originally from the US but planted roots in Barcelona after moving there and watching her kids grow and thrive in the Spanish soccer scene. She was once a home brewer but with some encouragement from her friends, she decided to go commercial. She said people always commented on her delicious, unique flavor profiles, and the challenge with going pro was keeping that flavor consistent. Casa de la Kombucha is now a successful taproom in Barcelona, where locals and tourists alike love to drink this sparkling beverage.
- 2:08 Kombucha Brewers International
- 3:40 Shop adaptogens to flavor your Kombucha here!
- 7:44 Have you ever thought about opening your own Kombucha brewery? Check out our KKamp commercial consultation services!
- 10:00 Need some pointers with flavoring your ‘buch?
- 18:00 Check out KBI’s Taproom Tourism Guide!
- 24:59 Help us protect raw Kombucha!
- 26:31 What is the Kombucha Code of Practice?
- 30:29 Get your stainless steel, ceramic, and wooden barrel Kombucha vessels here!
- 36:00 How do I test my Kombucha to make sure it’s healthy?
- 42:00 Did you know you can use your extra SCOBYs for self-care?
- 43:27 If you’re a commercial Kombucha brewer, join us for KombuchaKon22!